Monreal Insurance Solutions
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Monreal Insurance Solutions

Independent Insurance Agent in Orange, CA

About us

A Personal Approach For an Impersonal Industry.

At MIS, we are a family-oriented, community-driven insurance agency dedicated to protecting and educating our clients through innovative risk management and asset protection. Our experienced team goes beyond surface-level solutions, delivering customized insurance strategies tailored to your unique needs.

We specialize in personal, commercial, life, and group health insurance, with a strong focus on industries such as:

✔️ Heavy Equipment - Excavators & construction machinery
✔️ Tattoo Shops - Liability, property, and equipment coverage
✔️ Restaurants & Bars - Liquor liability, business interruption, and more
✔️ Contractors - Plumbers, electricians, HVAC, and general contractors
✔️ Medical & Dental Offices - Professional liability and business protection
✔️ Gyms & Fitness Centers - Liability and equipment coverage
✔️ Manufacturers - Food, plastic, and metal production businesses
✔️ Lawyers & Legal Offices - Professional liability and cyber risk solutions
✔️ Landlords & Property Owners - Rental property and investment protection

✔️ Home & Auto Insurance- personal protection

💬 Hablamos español - We proudly serve both English- and Spanish-speaking clients, ensuring clear communication and exceptional service for all.

Our commitment is built on three core values:

Community Involvement - We actively support, engage, and give back through professional associations, volunteer work, and philanthropy.
Customer Satisfaction - We set new standards of service by offering smart, innovative risk management solutions to protect what matters most.
Family Culture - We prioritize a people-first environment that fosters work-life balance, continuous education, and career growth for our team.

By building strong relationships with clients, carriers, and our community, MIS remains committed to providing exceptional insurance solutions with integrity and care.

Personal and Commercial Lines insurance professionals

Ask me about these types of insurance...

Having the right car insurance is so important, even more important is understanding all the ins and outs of your coverage to help protect you.

An independent insurance agent will make sure that your business is covered in the event of a catastrophe or sudden loss.

Get multiple quotes on your homeowners insurance with one phone call. Let an independent agent shop for you.

If a data breach does happen, it's a wise decision to have a cyber liability insurance policy to help your company stay secure.

An independent insurance agent will walk you through top umbrella policy options to make sure you have the proper coverage to tackle above and beyond claims.

Restaurant insurance is a combo platter of coverage that protects your customers, employees, property and inventory.

Why choose Monreal Insurance Solutions

States we serve

  • California

Our insurance coverages

Personal insurance coverage

  • ATV
  • Automobile
  • Boat
  • Builders Risk / Construction
  • Collectible Auto
  • Condo
  • Earthquake
  • Farm
  • Flood
  • Health
  • Home
  • Identity Fraud
  • Landlord
  • Mobile Home
  • Motorcycle
  • Other
  • Personal Watercraft
  • Pet
  • RV / Motorhome
  • Renters
  • Short-Term / Sharing
  • Snowmobile
  • Special Event
  • Travel Trailer
  • Umbrella
  • Vacant Land
  • Valuable Items

Business insurance coverage

  • Bonds
  • Builders Risk
  • Business Owners Package (BOP)
  • Business Vehicle
  • Contractors Equipment
  • Cyber Liability
  • Directors & Officers
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Errors & Omissions
  • General Liability
  • Inland Marine
  • Other
  • Professional Liability
  • Property
  • Umbrella / Excess
  • Workers' Compensation

Life & Annuities coverage

  • Annuities
  • Disability Income
  • Life
  • Long Term Care

Industries we serve

  • Accommodation and Food Services
  • Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
  • Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
  • Construction
  • Educational Services
  • Finance and Insurance
  • Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Information
  • Management of Companies and Enterprises
  • Manufacturing - Food / Beverage / Textiles / Apparel / Leather
  • Manufacturing - Metal / Machinery / Computer / Electrical / Transportation / Furniture
  • Manufacturing - Wood / Paper / Paper / Mining / Plastics
  • Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Other Services (except Public Administration)
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Public Administration
  • Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
  • Retail - Sporting Goods / Hobby / Music / General / Misc.
  • Retail - Vehicle / Home / Furniture / Building / Garden / Food / Health / Gas / Clothing
  • Transportation - Air / Rail / Water / Truck / Transit / Ground / Pipeline / Scenic
  • Transportation and Warehousing
  • Utilities
  • Wholesale Trade

Recommended insurance company partners

Other companies we work with:

1st Auto and Casualty, 1st Choice Auto Insurance, 5Star Life, A.I.M. Mutual, AAA, ABA Insurance Services, ACSTAR Insurance Company, AFLAC, AHRMA, AIG Insurance Company, AIS Insurance Services, AIU Insurance Company, AIX Group Incorporated, ARI Insurance Companies, ARMtech Insurance Services, AXA XL, AXIS Insurance Company, Abram Interstate Insurance Services, Access Home Insurance, Accident Fund, Accident Fund/Comp West, Accident Insurance Company (AIC), Accredited Surety and Casualty Company, Acuity, Addison Ins Co, Admiral Insurance, Advantage Workers Compensation Insurance Company, Aegis General, Aegis Security Insurance, Aetna, Affirmative Insurance Company, Agency Insurance Company, Agentero, AgriSompo North America, Agricultural Workers Group, Agway Insurance Company, Ahoy!, Alaska National Insurance Company, Alea North America, Alfa Alliance Insurance Corp, Alinsco, All Risks, Allegheny Cas Co, Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance Risk Retention Group, Allianz Global Risks, Allianz Life of North America, Allied World Assurance Company, Allstate, Alvarez & Marsal Holdings, LLC., AmFed Insurance Company, AmShield, AmTrust Financial, AmWINS Group, Ambetter, Amelia Underwriters, AmeriHealth, American Access Casualty Company, American Builders Insurance Company, American Collectors Insurance, American Equity Insurance Company, American European Insurance Group, American Fidelity Group, American Integrity Insurance, American Integrity Insurance, American Mining Insurance Company, American Modern, American Mutual of Eldridge, American National Insurance, American Reliable Insurance, American Specialty Insurance & Risk Services Inc., American Strategic Insurance, American Traditions Insurance Company, American Transit Insurance Company, American West Insurance, Americo Insurance Company, Ameriprise Insurance Company, Amerisafe Insurance Company, Amerisure Insurance Company, Ameritas, Amica, Anchor Insurance Company, Answer Financial Insurance Company, Anthem Insurance Company, Aon Insurance, Apogee Insurance Group, Appalachian Underwriters, Applied Underwriters, Arch Insurance Company, Arch Wexford, Argo Group, Arlington Roe, Army & Air Force Mutual Aid Association, Arrowhead General Insurance, Ascendant, Aspen, Aspirus Health Plan, Assisted Housing Risk Management Association, AssuranceAmerica Insurance, Assurant, Assurity Life, Atain Specialty Insurance, Athene, Atlantic American, Atlantic Cas Insurance Company, Atlas Financial, Atlas General Agency, Attune, Auto Owners Insurance, Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Avant Super Market Group, Avemco Insurance Company, BLINK by Chubb, Badger Mutual Insurance Company, Baltimore Equitable Insurance, Bankers Fidelity Life, Bankers Insurance Group - FL, Bankers Life & Casualty, Banner Life, Barnstable County, Barton Mutual, Battle Creek Mutual insurance, Beacon Hill Associates, Bear River Mutual Insurance Company, Beazley Insurance Company, Benchmark Insurance Company, Berkley Aspire, Berkley Classics, Berkley Mid-Atlantic Group, Berkley North Pacific Insurance, Berkley ONE, Berkley Risk Insurance Company, Berkley Select Insurance Company, Berkley Southeast Insurance Group, Berkley Surety, BerkleyNet, Berkshire Hathaway Automotive Insurance Company, Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Company, Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Company, Billings Mutual Insurance, Bituminous Insurance, Black Hawk Mutual Insurance Co, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Boston Mutual Life, Boston Software Corp, Branch Insurance, Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance, Brethren Mutual Insurance Company, Bridger Insurance, Brighthouse Financial, Bristol West Insurance Company, Broome Co-Operative Insurance Company, Brotherhood Mutual Insurance, Buckeye Insurance, Builders & Tradesmen's Insurance (BTIS), Builders Insurance Group, Builders Mutual Insurance Company, Burlington Insurance Company, Burns & Wilcox, CAMICO Mutual Insurance Company, CATcoverage, CBIC, CCIC, CEM Insurance Company, CIG Capitol Insurance Group, CM Select, CNA, CNA Surety, COPIC, CPA Mutual Insurance Company, CRC Group, CSE Insurance Group, CUNA Mutual, CWCI, Cabrillo Coastal, Cajun Underwriters Reciprocal Exchange, California Casualty Group, California Mutual Insurance Company, Cameron Mutual Insurance, Canal Insurance, Capitol Insurance, Capitol Preferred Insurance Company, Capitol Specialty Insurance, Carolina Casualty, Casco Indemnity Company, Castle Grove Mutual of Monticello, Caterpillar Insurance Company, Catholic Knights Insurance Society, Catholic Mutual Group, Celina Insurance Group, Celtic Life, Centauri Insurance, Center Mutual Insurance Company, Central Co-Operative Insurance, Central Illinois Mutual Insurance Company (CIMICO), Century Insurance Group, Century Mutual Insurance Association, Charter Oak Fire Ins, Chartis Property Casualty Company, Chautauqua Patrons Insurance Company, Chesapeake Employers' Insurance, Chubb, Church & Casualty Insurance Agency, Church Mutual Insurance Company, Cigna, Cincinnati Equitable Insurance, Cincinnati Insurance Company, Cinium Financial Services Corp., Citizens, Clay County Mutual Insurance Company, Clear Blue Insurance Group, Clear Cover, Cochrane & Co, Cochrane & Porter Insurance, Collectibles Insurance Services, Colonial Life Insurance, Colonial Life of Texas, Colonial Penn Insurance Company, Colony Insurance Company, Columbia Insurance Group, Columbia Lloyds Insurance Company, Columbian Mutual Life Insurance, Columbus Life Insurance, Combined Insurance Company, Commonwealth Underwriters, Ltd, Community Mutual, CompSource Mutual Insurance, Condon Skelly, Conifer Insurance Company, Consumers Insurance, Continental Western Group, Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company (RLI), Cooper Gay Steele & Co. Ltd., Cooperative of American Physicians Inc. (CAP), CopperPoint Insurance, Cornerstone National Insurance, Coterie Insurance, Country Financial, Countryway Insurance, Cover Whale, CoverWallet, Cowbell, Crawford, Crum & Forster Insurance, Crump Life Insurance Services, Cumberland Mutual, Cypress Insurance Group, Dairyland Insurance Company, Deans & Homer, Delaware Life, Delaware Valley Underwriting Authority, Delphi Technology Inc., Delta Dental, Diamond Insurance Company, Diamond State Insurance, Direct Auto Insurance Company, Donegal Mutual Insurance Company, EMC, EMC National Life, ESPORTS, Eagle Insurance Group, Eastern Alliance Insurance Group, Eastern Dentists Insurance Company, Eastern Underwriting Managers, Edison Insurance, Electric Insurance Company, Elephant, Embark, Empire Insurance Company, Employees State Insurance Corporation, Employers Compensation Insurance Company, Employers General Insurance Group Inc., Employers Security Insurance Company, Encompass, Endurance Insurance, Energi, EquiTrust Life Insurance Company, Equitable Life Insurance, Equity Insurance Company, Erickson Larsen broker, Erie Insurance Company, Erie and Niagara Insurance Association, Esurance, Everest Security Insurance, Evolution, Excelsior Insurance Company, Excepsure, FFVA Mutual Insurance Company, FIA Surety, FL Dean, FM Global, Fairmatic, Falvey Yacht Insurance, Farm Bureau, Farmers Fire Insurance Company, Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance, Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Nodaway County, Farmers Union, Federated Mutual Insurance (Owatonna), First Acceptance Insurance, First American P&C Insurance Company, First Connect Insurance, Florida Farm Bureau, Florida Workers Compensation Insurance, Foresters, Forestry Mutual Insurance Company, Fox Point Programs, FrankCrum, Frankenmuth Mutual Insurance Company, Frontier Insurance Company, Frontline Insurance, GEICO, Gem State Insurance Company, General Casualty Insurance Companies, Genesee Patrons Insurance, Gerber Life, German Farmers Mutual Insurance, Germantown Mutual Insurance Company, Glatfelter, Glencoe Regional Health, Global Indemnity, Golden Eagle Insurance Company, Goodville Mutual, Grand River Insurance, Granite State Insurance Company, Gray Insurance Company, Great Southern Life, Gregory & Cook, Griffin Underwriting Services, Grundy, Guard Insurance Group, GuideOne Insurance, Guy Carpenter, HCC Surety Group, Hallmark Insurance Company, Harborway Insurance, Hartford Steam Boiler, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Hastings Mutual, Hereford Insurance Company, Heritage Insurance Company, Hillco, Hippo Insurance, Hiscox Ins Co Inc., Homeowners of America, Homesite, Horace Mann, Hospitals Insurance Company, Houston International Insurance Group, Humana, IMG, INSUREtrust, ISBA Mutual Insurance Company, Illinois Mutual Life, Indiana Farm Bureau, Infosys, Integrity Insurance Company, International Marine Underwriters, Jackson National Life, Johnson & Johnson Insurance, K&K Insurance Group, Kansas City Life Insurance Company, Kemper Independence, Kentucky Growers, LWCC, Lafayette Insurance Company, Lavalier Jewlery Insurance, LeMars Insurance, Legal & General America, Liberty International Underwriters, Life Assurance Company of America, Limit, Lititz Mutual Insurance Company, Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, MOPERM, Madison Mutual Insurance Company, Magna Carta Companies, Manhattan Life Insurance Company, Marshall Mutual Insurance Company, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Maxum Indemnity Company, Meadowbrook Insurance, MedPro Group, Medical Mutual of Ohio, Mennonite Mutual Insurance, Merchants Insurance Group, MetLife Auto & Home, Michigan Millers Mutual Insurance Company, Mid-Hudson Insurance, Mid-State Mutual Insurance Company, Midwest Family Mut, Millers Mutual, Missouri Employer Mutual, Monitor Life Insurance, Mountain West Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company, Mutual Benefit Group, Mutual of Wausau, NAICO (National American Insurance Company), NCMIC, NIPPONKOA Ins Co USB, National General Insurance (GMAC), National Indemnity Company (NICO), National Interstate Insurance, National Security Group, Nationwide, Nautilus Insurance, Nazareth Mutual Insurance Company, New Era Life, Next Insurance, Nodak Mutual Insurance Company, Norfolk & Dedham Mutual, North Carolina Joint Underwriters Association, Northern Mutual Insurance (MI), Northwestern Mutual, Oak Ridge Financial, Ohio Indemnity Company, Old Missouri Mutual, Old Republic Surety Company, OneAmerica, Orchid Insurance Company, Oxford Life Insurance Company, PEMCO Insurance, PRI, Pacific Specialty, Pan American Insurance, Pathpoint, Patrons Oxford Insurance, Penn Mutual, People's Trust Insurance, Pharmacists Mutual, Physicians Insurance A Mutual Company, Pike County Mutual Insurance Company, Preferred Mutual, Primero Insurance Company, ProAssurance, Protective Life, Prudential Insurance, QBE Insurance Corporation, Rainbow, Red Shield Insurance Company, RetailFirst Insurance Company, Rider Insurance Company, Robinson-Adams Insurance Inc., Rockwood Casualty Insurance Company, Royal Neighbors of America, Rural Community Insurance Company, Ryan Turner Specialty, Safe Point Insurance, Safety National, SageSure Insurance, Saucon Mutual, Scottsdale Insurance Company, Securian, Security Mutual Insurance Company, Selective Flood, Sentinel Security Life, Settlers Life, Shelter Insurance, Simply Business, Slice, South Carolina Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Church Insurance Company, Southern Pioneer Property & Casualty Insurance Company, Specialty Insurance Managers, Standard Mutual Insurance Company, State Auto, Stonegate Insurance Company, Strickland Insurance Group Inc., Surplus & Excess Lines, Swett, TRUE Property Insurance, Tangram Insurance Services, Texas Builders Insurance, Texas Lawyers Insurance Exchange, Texas Pioneer Farm Mutual, The Bar Plan Mutual Insurance Company, The Dentists Insurance Company, The General, The Hanover Insurance Group, The Hartford, The National Security Group, Thimble, Tokio Marine HCC, Tower Group Companies, Traders Insurance Company, Trident Insurance Services of New England Inc, Tuscano Agency, TypTap Insurance, UIG, UPC Insurance, US Assure, USA Coverage, Union Standard Insurance Group, United Auto Insurance Company, United Heritage, United National Group, United Underwriters, Inc, Utah Business Insurance Company, VFIS of North Carolina Company, Vacant Express, Velocity Risk Underwriters, Vindati, WCF Insurance, Wadena Insurance Company, Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, Western & Southern, Western General Insurance, Western World Insurance, Westport Insurance Corporation, White Pigeon Mutual of Wilton, Windsor-Mount Joy Mutual, Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Company, Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation, Wolverine Mutual, biBERK, pomi

Monreal Insurance Solutions Team

Adrian Monreal - Owner
Adrian Monreal
(909) 757-1311
  • AINS

Monreal Insurance Solutions Reviews

Average based on 13 reviews Leave a review

Customer Reviews

February 10, 2025

Adrian at Monreal Insurance Solutions is awesome! Buying a house is stressful in itself but Adrian made finding our home insurance seamless. He was very responsive and available to answer all our questions. Thank you, Adrian I appreciate all your help.

February 10, 2025

Adrian was very fast when it came to my quote and also finding the best insurance that suited my business. He gave me all the info I needed within the day and ran numbers plus explained every detail with me. Monreal insurance solutions is the real deal!

February 10, 2025

So far, I am thoroughly impressed (I say so far, because I hope I wont ever need to utilize the insurance haha!) I have been helped every step of the way by Adrian! They have gone above and beyond. I first reached out via their online chat function which was the perfect way for my communication style. They were thorough and knowledgeable about my specific small business that is Tattooing. If you need an expert in tattoo shop business insurance, Adrian is your person! They helped get me a deal beating the competitors by a mile. They answered and clarified everything for me if I had even the silliest of questions. Furthermore, I was in a bind and needed the quote and coverage ASAP and they rushed everything and made me a priority so I could move forward with my situation on schedule. Adrian is the definition of Above and Beyond". Do yourself a favor especially if you have a small business, and even more if you are a tattoo shop and get insured by them!

February 10, 2025

Coming off a nightmare insurance broker I happened to come across Adrian Monreal. He was sympathetic to my plight and helped me find the perfect General Liability coverage for my business. I was in a hurry as my policy was expiring and he put everything in rush mode. Got me numerous quotes, was super responsive and even had me an insurance cert within hours of binding the new insurance. All during a busy holiday week! Recommend Monreal for all your insurance needs.

February 10, 2025

After tirelessly searching for home and auto insurance for a week straight, my brother-in-law referred me to Monreal Insurance Solutions. I gave them a call and they were able to get me the best home and auto insurance rates. So happy I gave them a call. My personal agent, Adrian, went above and beyond the call of duty to find me the best deal possible. Adrian was able to provide me with detailed answers to all my questions. Thank you, Adrian and Monreal Insurance Solutions.

February 10, 2025

Monreal Insurance Solutions was recommended to me from my sister in law so we recently became a part of Monreal family and we are so happy with our decision. Our rep, Adrian, has been so helpful getting the most cost efficient, secure and reliable auto insurance policy for us. He delivered everything that we asked for. He sent us an amazing video of him breaking down every component of the quoted policy and as well as answered all our questions on coverages and etc. which made the process much faster and reliable. We will definitely recommend Monreal Insurance Solutions services to all of our family and friends. Thank you, guys!!

May 6, 2020

The man is honest sincere and has a million reasons to make sure you're completely safe and happy with your selection of service. Everyone please give him your business.

June 14, 2019

I cant begin saying enough great things about Monreal Insurance. Adrian made me feel valued as a customer and not simply a dollar sign. He made sure I got the best deal possible, and when it came to signing he surprised me with an even better deal! He adds his own personal touches such as a video explaining every detail within your policy. You know exactly what youre paying for. They have definitely earned a lifelong client with me.

May 24, 2019

I am completely trusting in Adrian as my insurance agent and know he has my best interests in mind. He is always there to help and make sure you happy with and understand your policy and coverage. I would recommend him to anybody that needs a knowledgable and trustworthy agent.

April 15, 2019

So far so good. I've dealt with several insurance brokers in the past, and while I've only truly ever had one negative experience, it did cause me to develop a false perception of what "good" customer service was. We don't usually deal with insurance brokers until a problem arises, which if all goes well, should be rare. But when things go sideways, a good broker SHOULD be accessible, and for me that hasn't always been the case. This brings me to what I love best about M.I.S; I have confidence that any time I reach out I will get ahold of somebody, or they will reach out in a TIMELY manner. Whether it's email or phone, somebody will always answers or gets back to me ASAP. This, to me, is the most important part. Thank you so much to Adrian and the rest of his team for the great service so far!

Our Commitment to Transparent and Trustworthy Reviews

We prioritize honest feedback from our clients to assist future customers in making well-informed decisions. Our review section showcases authentic experiences from real customers. When a less-than-positive review is submitted, we share it with both the agent and the reviewer to foster collaboration and improvement based on constructive feedback. We also moderate reviews to remove inappropriate content or spam, upholding a high standard of trust and transparency.


Monreal Insurance Solutions

A Personal Approach For an Impersonal Industry.