A TrustedChoice.com recommended local Trusted Choice independent insurance agency, with elite-level expertise, is here to assist you with your insurance needs. Your protection is their priority. Recommended Local Agency
McClain Matthews Insurance
  • Business
  • Home
  • Auto
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McClain Matthews Insurance

Independent Insurance Agent in Indianapolis, IN

About us

We're not about policies. We're about people.

McClain Matthews Insurance

"Since 1948, Families and Businesses have turned to McClain Matthews for their Insurance needs We are your one-stop shop for Insurance in Indianapolis and it's surrounding communities.. McClain Matthews Insurance opened its family owned business in 1948 with an unwavering commitment to provide the security and peace of mind individuals, families and businesses need to properly protect their Home, Cars, and Business against the risks they face. Our full-service independent agency is an integral part of the Indianapolis and surrounding communities we serve and, because we live and work here, we understand what you need to safeguard your loved ones, employees, customers, property and assets."

McClain Matthews Insurance

Since 1948, Families and Businesses have turned to McClain Matthews for their Insurance Needs. We are your one-stop provider for Insurance in Indianapolis.

How can we help you today?

McClain Matthews Insurance

Since 1948, Families and Businesses have turned to McClain Matthews for their Insurance Needs. We are your one-stop provider for Insurance in Indianapolis.

How can we help you today?

Personal Lines insurance professionals

Ask me about these types of insurance...

Having the right car insurance is so important, even more important is understanding all the ins and outs of your coverage to help protect you.

Request an automobile insurance quote

Get multiple quotes on your homeowners insurance with one phone call. Let an independent agent shop for you.

Request a homeowners insurance quote

An independent insurance agent will walk you through top umbrella policy options to make sure you have the proper coverage to tackle above and beyond claims.

Request an umbrella insurance quote

Why choose McClain Matthews Insurance

States we serve

  • Indiana

Our insurance coverages

Personal insurance coverage

  • Automobile
  • Collectible Auto
  • Condo
  • Flood
  • Home
  • Landlord
  • Motorcycle
  • Umbrella

Business insurance coverage

  • Business Owners Package (BOP)
  • Business Vehicle
  • General Liability
  • Property

Recommended insurance company partners

Other companies we work with:

AAA, Accident Fund, Accident Insurance Company (AIC), Aegis Security Insurance, AmTrust Financial, American Modern, American Reliable Insurance, Anthem Insurance Company, Applied Underwriters, Arlington Roe, Bankers Insurance Group - FL, Berkshire Hathaway Automotive Insurance Company, Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Company, Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Company, Branch Insurance, Bristol West Insurance Company, Builders & Tradesmen's Insurance (BTIS), CNA Surety, Founders Insurance Company, GAINSCO Auto Insurance, Guard Insurance Group, Hagerty, Hippo Insurance, Hiscox Ins Co Inc., Markel Specialty, NCCI Insurance Company, Neptune Flood, Next Insurance, Old Republic Surety Company, Pie Insurance, Tokio Marine HCC, Trexis, US Assure, Universal Property & Casualty Insurance, Western Reserve Mutual, Zurich North America

McClain Matthews Insurance Team

Angela Rowlett - Agent
Angela Rowlett
(317) 298-7500
Karl Buetow - Agent
Karl Buetow
(317) 298-7500

McClain Matthews Insurance Reviews

Average based on 2 reviews Leave a review

Customer Reviews

May 7, 2021

Been with McClain Matthews over 25yrs. Karl and dena are always great people to work with. Like extended family.

May 7, 2021

A responsive insurance company to deal with. Not the typical big box 800 style number to call with your needs. Very consistent, comfortable and extremely easy to approach your needs. Would recommend McClain Matthews to anyone. Been a customer for years and would not change, they are a gem in the industry! 1

Our Commitment to Transparent and Trustworthy Reviews

We prioritize honest feedback from our clients to assist future customers in making well-informed decisions. Our review section showcases authentic experiences from real customers. When a less-than-positive review is submitted, we share it with both the agent and the reviewer to foster collaboration and improvement based on constructive feedback. We also moderate reviews to remove inappropriate content or spam, upholding a high standard of trust and transparency.


McClain Matthews Insurance

We're not about policies. We're about people.

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