What Kind of Snow Damage Will Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Find out when and how your home insurance protects against losses due to winter weather.
Christine Lacagnina Written by Christine Lacagnina
Christine Lacagnina
Written by Christine Lacagnina

Christine Lacagnina has written thousands of insurance-based articles for TrustedChoice.com by authoring consumable, understandable content.

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Reviewed by Paul Martin

Paul Martin is the Director of Education and Development for Myron Steves, one of the largest, most respected insurance wholesalers in the southern U.S.

Closeup of snow pile up on a roof. What kind of snow damage will homeowners insurance cover?

Winter can be a very destructive time of year, especially in terms of property damage. While your homeowners insurance provides coverage for certain types of damage and destruction due to winter weather like snow, it might not cover all incidents that occur. That's why becoming familiar with exactly what's covered by your policy is critical before winter rolls around.

An independent insurance agent can not only help you get set up with the right kind of homeowners insurance but can also review your coverage in depth with you. They'll make sure you understand exactly what's covered and what's not. But until then, here's a deep dive into what kind of snow damage is covered by home insurance.

What Kind of Snow Damage Will Homeowners Insurance Cover? 

When it comes to the structure of your home, your homeowners insurance will provide coverage for everything except what's specifically stated on the policy's list of exclusions. It's highly unlikely that snow damage will ever be one of the exclusions.

When there's a lot of snow on the roof, it can become very heavy, particularly if you're experiencing repeated snowfalls. The risk here is roof collapse, which can cause very serious structural damage, as well as property damage to the belongings inside your home. This type of structural damage will almost certainly be covered by your insurance policy. It's also likely that damage to personal belongings inside the home will also be covered, but you'll need to check your specific policy to be sure.

When and How Home Insurance Covers Snow Damage

There are a few major ways in which home insurance can cover damage caused by snow. Review your specific home insurance policy to be certain, but typically, you can expect to have coverage for the following:

  1. Roof collapse: If the weight of snow and ice on your roof leads to it caving in or collapsing, your home insurance should cover the damage to both the structure of your home and your personal property inside.
  2. Personal property damage: If snow or ice damages your personal property kept within or around the home, as long as the damage wasn't caused by your negligence, the items should be covered by your policy.
  3. Structural damage: If snow or ice causes structural damage to your home's dwelling, such as a torn shutter or broken window, your home insurance policy should cover the repairs.
  4. Falling objects like trees: If snow or ice causes a tree to fall on your home or property, you'll likely have coverage through your home insurance for repairs for damage or destruction.
  5. Tree debris removal: If a tree falls on your property or you're left with a lot of branches and leaves everywhere, your home insurance will likely provide coverage for tree removal and debris cleanup, as well.

Your independent insurance agent can further explain examples of when snow damage would be covered by your home insurance. They can also help you review your specific policy to double-check your coverage for snow and ice damage. 

Is Snow Damage Ever Not Covered by Home Insurance?

Of course, homeowners are expected by insurance companies to take steps to keep snow and ice from accumulating on their roofs and property. But home insurance companies do understand that during long periods of ice, snow, and frigid temperatures, there's not a lot that most people can do. Also, know that your home insurance won't specifically cover snow removal from your property.

Keep in mind that there are certain situations in which your home insurance snow damage claim may be denied. In the event that your home is poorly maintained and the damage caused by the snow would not have happened to a home that received reasonable maintenance, the insurance company may reserve the right to deny your claim. This typically happens only in extreme cases of neglect, but be sure not to ignore problems in your home when they arise.


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Does Home Insurance Cover Flooding Caused by Melted Snow and Ice?

Melted snow and ice that leads to flooding in or around the home is often unlikely to be covered by home insurance. Flooding caused by natural sources is typically only covered by a separate policy known as flood insurance. If you live in an area prone to heavy snow or frequent blizzards, as well as tsunamis, hurricanes, etc., consider looking into flood insurance to help protect your home from sources of natural water damage and flooding.

Why Work with an Independent Insurance Agent?

Independent insurance agents are experts in finding you the right kind of homeowners insurance and any other type of coverage you need. They can shop and compare policies from tons of different insurance companies for you, then present you with only the best quotes together in one place. Also, they're available down the road to help you file claims if you ever need to. 

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