Glossary of Business Insurance Terms
Everything you need to know - and more

Jeff Green has held a variety of sales and management roles at life insurance companies, Wall street firms, and distribution organizations over his 40-year career. He was previously Finra 7,24,66 registered and held life insurance licenses in multiple states. He is a graduate of Stony Brook University.

To gain insight into your company’s insurance policy, it’s helpful to have a grasp on basic business insurance terms. Independent insurance agents believe that knowledge is power, and they are dedicated to providing consumers not only with competitive rates and coverage but with education and answers as well.
Business terminology shouldn’t be reserved for insurance agents. Once you’ve reviewed this business insurance glossary, you’re one step closer to understanding just how much your business insurance policy affects you and your company.
Aggregate limits:
This is the maximum amount of money that an insurer is contracted to provide to the policyholder in a specific policy period. For example, on a particular business liability policy, an annual aggregate limit would be the total amount the insurance company would pay for all claims on that policy in a given year.
This policy allows a business owner to insure multiple property types at one location or one property type at multiple locations, all under one policy.
Provides protection for all building materials — on-site, off-site, and in transport — that a builder uses during the course of a construction project.
Business interruption insurance:
If your business must shut down due to a covered loss, this form of coverage can provide reimbursement for the expenses that would have normally occurred if the business had been operating.
This is a combined policy where property insurance and liability insurance are packaged together at a cost savings for small businesses.
This is a type of insurance that protects an employer from dishonest employee acts.
Commercial property insurance:
This policy is meant to protect the building and other business property that you own or lease. Note that equipment insurance is typically a separate policy.
This policy covers you, your employees, and company vehicles for injuries and damage, whether the vehicles are leased, owned, or rented. Passengers are also covered.
Commercial earthquake insurance:
Provides coverage for property damaged in an earthquake. Typical business property insurance will not pay for this damage.
Commercial flood insurance:
Provided by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and available through independent agents, this policy provides coverage for flood damage related to high waters, hurricanes, and excessive rain runoff.
This coverage can provide assistance in preventing a data breach as well as mitigate the consequences of a full-blown data breach.
Directors and officers liability insurance (D & O):
If the directors or officers of a company are accused of wrongful or negligent acts, this coverage can protect the company’s financial assets from legal settlements and the cost of legal defense.
Employers liability insurance:
If an employee files a lawsuit after being injured on the job, this insurance protects the employer. If an employee has workers compensation benefits, the right to sue is limited.
Employment practices liability insurance:
This coverage provides company protection if someone is accused of an employment-related claim, such as harassment.
Professional liability insurance:
This policy provides liability protection in the event that an employee or the business commits a professional error or act of negligence that results in a client's personal loss or injury. This can be anything from a physician's error (malpractice insurance) to an accountant's mistake (E and O insurance) that leads to a monetary loss.
Exclusions: These are certain risks that aren’t covered by your insurance policy. You may need to purchase extra coverage for further protection against excluded risks.
An employee or contractor of the company that has been entrusted with the handling of benefit funds.
This policy will protect businesses from most situations where the company could be held liable for bodily injury or property damage. It does not include commercial vehicle or professional liability coverage, which are covered separately.
Medical insurance that an employer offers to employees who are covered or reimbursed for healthcare services according to the specific health plan chosen.
Insurance offered by an employer that allows the employee to select a death benefit, which is distributed to named beneficiaries at the time of the employee’s death.
This policy provides business life insurance for one key person in a business. It issues benefits to help offset earnings loss and find a replacement for the key person.
Loss control:
A risk management tool that aims to reduce the amount of loss a company experiences.
This coverage provides protection for company equipment or goods in transport. It also provides coverage if the vehicle transporting the goods is damaged and provides liability coverage for third parties. You can choose between ocean marine coverage and inland marine coverage.
Named peril:
An event or hazard that is listed as covered on your business insurance policy and will be covered if it occurs.
A type of surety bond that ensures the policyholder will complete a contract.
The amount that you pay for insurance coverage.
Also referred to as an endorsement, this is an addendum that will alter or enhance the current policy’s terms. For example, you may be able to add an equipment rider to your property insurance to protect your equipment.
A surety bond is a three-party bond that guarantees the principal will perform the obligations set forth by the obligee, or else the surety will step in to help the obligee recoup losses.
An umbrella policy is extra liability coverage that can dramatically increase a firm's ability to settle claims or cover the cost of court judgments in the event of a sizable lawsuit. Typically sold in increments of $1 million, umbrella liability is available at a relatively low cost.
Underwriting is the process that takes place with most insurance applications. Underwriters review potential insurance risks and set the appropriate premiums.
Workers' compensation insurance:
This policy will provide compensation for an employee’s medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation, and disability coverage in the event of a work-related illness or injury.
Putting Knowledge to Work for Your Business
Now that you’re more familiar with business insurance terms, you'll never again have to feel as though you're buying an insurance policy blindly. Between being informed and working with experienced independent insurance agents, you can feel confident that you have the exact coverage you need.
Find a local independent insurance agent in your area and get the protection you need and deserve.