Buying a House
Does Home Insurance Always Cover Hail Damage?

Jeff Green has held a variety of sales and management roles at life insurance companies, Wall street firms, and distribution organizations over his 40-year career. He was previously Finra 7,24,66 registered and held life insurance licenses in multiple states. He is a graduate of Stony Brook University.

Hail not only leads to dings and dents in aluminum siding, but bad bouts of it can cause leaks in the home, broken windows, and destroyed plants or landscaping. Not to mention, big enough hail can seriously damage or destroy your vehicle.
Fortunately, an independent insurance agent can help you protect your property against hail damage with the right types of coverage. They'll get you covered before a storm ever hits. But for starters, here's a deep dive into hail damage and how insurance can cover it.
Does Home Insurance Always Cover Hail Damage?
Though many folks ask about rain and hail insurance or wind and hail insurance, really what they need is the right coverage under a typical home policy. According to insurance expert Jeffery Green, some states allow wind and hail damage to be excluded by endorsements to a homeowners insurance policy. Further, hail damage from hurricanes may be included in separate coverage. Some insurance policies include a separate deductible for windstorms and hail damage.
No matter where you live, be sure to review your specific home insurance policy together with your independent insurance agent. They'll be able to tell you if and when your insurance covers hail damage insurance claims and if there's a separate deductible required by your policy.
How Does Home Insurance Cover Roof Damage?
Homeowners insurance provides coverage for damage to the home's roof by listed perils, such as falling objects, fire, lightning strikes, and more. If your policy covers hail damage to the home, then damage to your roof caused by hail should be covered as well. However, it's important to note that certain home insurance policies have "cosmetic exclusions."
An increasing number of home insurance companies, especially those with customers in hail-prone regions, are adding cosmetic exclusions to hail coverage. This means that if hail damage only affects the aesthetics rather than the function of the home, a claim may be denied or limited. Make sure to talk with your independent insurance agent about your concerns regarding hail damage roof insurance, specifically concerning cosmetic exclusions, and find out if your policy lists them or not.
So How Common Is Hail Damage Where You Live?
The average monetary losses caused by hail damage annually range between $8 billion and $14 billion. In 2022 there were a reported 4,436 hail events compared to 3,762 in 2021. Texas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Kansas, and South Dakota had the largest number of hail events, according to NOAA.
Top Five States by Number of Major Hail Events 2022
Rank | State | Number of hail events |
1 | Texas | 458 |
2 | Nebraska | 399 |
3 | Minnesota | 387 |
4 | Kansas | 289 |
5 | South Dakota | 275 |
United States | 4,436 |
Hailstones one inch in diameter or larger.
If My Home Gets Damaged by Hail, What Do I Have to Pay?
The average insurance payout for hail damage varies. When you file an insurance claim for hail damage, you'll have to pay your policy's deductible amount out of your own pocket before receiving reimbursement from your insurance company. If your home insurance deductible is $1,000 and the extent of damage from hail to your home costs $5,000, you'd pay the $1,000 yourself and then receive $4,000 in reimbursement if your claim was approved.
But home insurance policies in high-risk hail regions might have a separate deductible, meaning that claims will be subject to a separate, often higher, deductible. This separate deductible would likely be a percentage of your policy's total property coverage, but it can also be a whole number. So if you have $200,000 worth of property coverage, you may have a flat deductible of $1,000 (that you'd pay out of pocket), or it may be 1%, meaning you'd pay $2,000.
But hail damage repair costs without insurance would be much more expensive. So having coverage for your home in the form of homeowners insurance is certainly worth it to avoid having to pay for repairs or rebuilding out of your own pocket. Even if you have to pay a deductible for hail damage, it's likely to be much less than the cost of repairing or rebuilding a large section of your home if it got badly damaged by hail.
Will My Home Insurance Rates Increase?
It is possible that your home insurance rates will increase after filing a claim. That includes claims that result from incidents outside of your control, including acts of nature. If you're concerned about how much your premiums might increase after a hail event, talk with your independent insurance agent.
One Important Detail Before Increasing Your Home Coverage
Keep in mind that you can't just increase your home insurance limits for an upcoming storm that's already been detected by meteorologists. Many insurance policies have a waiting period for requested changes to go into effect to dissuade customers from adding coverage right before they need it.
Get a home insurance policy in place from the very beginning. That way, you'll be prepared with the right coverage already at the exact moment the unexpected happens.
Is My Car Covered under My Home Insurance if It Was Damaged in the Driveway?
You'd go through your car insurance policy to cover damage to your vehicle from a hail event or other disaster. As long as you have comprehensive coverage under your car insurance policy, hail damage should be covered. Comprehensive coverage covers incidents "other than collision," including storm damage, theft, windshield breakage, and collisions with large animals.
Without comprehensive car insurance, however, you'd have to pay for hail damage to your vehicle out of your own pocket. That's why it's a great idea to also work together with an independent insurance agent to get this coverage added to your auto policy ASAP. Again, don't wait until a storm warning shows up on the news.
What Precautions Can Be Taken to Minimize Hail Damage?
Having a professional inspect your roof at least once a year can help minimize hail damage. A roof that is aging, worn, or has missing shingles prior to a hailstorm can suffer more extensive damage from hail and other weather events. That can result in more frequent or larger insurance claims, as well.
Minimize Possible Hail Damage to Your Property by:
- Having rubber or metal roofing installed
- Parking your car in a garage, carport, or under another covering
- Installing storm shutters on your windows
- Covering patio furniture
- Bringing outdoor property indoors before a storm hits
- Covering delicate plants
Taking these steps to minimize hail damage to your property can help prevent the need to file insurance claims as well. But it's also critical to understand what's covered and what's not, in terms of hail and everything else, by your home insurance and your car insurance. Be sure to review both of these policies with your independent insurance agent long before a severe weather event.
Why Choose an Independent Insurance Agent?
An independent insurance agent can simplify the process by shopping and comparing insurance quotes for you. Not only that, but they’ll cut through the jargon and clarify the fine print so you'll know exactly what you’re getting.
Independent insurance agents also have access to multiple insurance companies, ultimately finding you the best car insurance and home insurance coverage, accessibility, and competitive pricing.