The Halloween Survival Guide for Parents

It’s that time of year again. Little ghouls and goblins will be running around the streets soon enough, and you’ll follow behind diligently watching to make sure that they stay safe. It’s usually considered a chore, but this year you can take advantage of a few ideas that will make trick or treating just as much fun for you. And just to be safe, make sure you're covered with an affordable home insurance policy.
Be the Official Treat Bag Holder
You know you’ll do a little pilfering, anyway. Grab a pillowcase and let your little ones empty their goods as they go. You’ll be doing enough walking to justify a candy bar or two. Besides, you're basically saving your children from eating far too much junk.
Get a Closer Look at Your Neighbors
Don’t pretend you aren’t curious. Last year they were driving a minivan and now a Porsche sits in the driveway. Get all up in there when you walk your child to the door. Is that new leather furniture on top of that bearskin rug?
Relive the Glory Days
Did you peak in high school? I hope not. Choose a decade when you think you were at your best, then pick a character who meant something to you and relive the glory by dressing up. Are you a Knight Rider kind of guy or was Gilligan more your speed? Did you idolize Farrah Fawcett or was Daisy Duke your choice? Don't let the kids have all the costume fun.
Find and team up with other parents in your community who will also be schlepping behind their children as they crisscross the neighborhood on the hunt for the house that hands out cans of soda. Together you might be able to use your time productively and plan a block party where kids are not invited.
Steal Landscaping Ideas
Not the fall mums that adorn the doorsteps of every house but yours. Check out the yards of people who seem to have all the time in the world. Just because their houses look perfect and their yards coordinate with their house trim doesn't mean you should help yourself to one of their plants. (But it makes it awfully hard not to.) Ideas, however, are free.
Think back to when Halloween was fun and pranks were an important part of a successful Halloween. Did you toilet paper a few trees, smash a few pumpkins? Surely, there is someone in the neighborhood with a good enough sense of humor to get a kick out of this. Otherwise, that perfectly coordinated house might be a good bet. Just make sure you're covered with a home insurance policy.
Follow a few, or all, of these tips and you might find yourself looking forward to Halloween this year. Maybe some of these ideas will soon become traditions for you and your neighbors, and when your kids are grown, you’ll actually be pretty disappointed that there is no reason to go out. I guess there is always the promise of grandkids, right?