#HalloweenFails That Actually Happened — As Told by Twitter’s Finest

You know why Halloween only comes once a year? Because it’s about all you can handle—it literally takes 365 days just to recover from all the walking, the sugar highs, the tantrums, and the potty breaks. But with a little help from the biggest #HalloweenFails in this guide and some careful planning done right, you can turn their fails into your favor—your sweet, chocolatey favor.
1. A Trial Run’s Always a Good Idea

Come on, a quick check would have saved countless kiddos from completely avoidable broken hearts. And what are light bulbs, like a buck each? And grab a few spares for next time.
2. Safety First. Scares Second.

Supreme dedication to the art of the scare is always appreciated, but you really gotta be careful out there. Maybe hide behind a bush next time instead, and stick to the ground floor.
3. Dress Accordingly, or Else…

Put a little thought into where your night will take you beforehand and avoid what could be an embarrassing moment. It’s the same reason you don’t go to Target on a day you’re wearing red and khaki.
4. Have a Realistic Expectation of the Head Count

If this is your first year in a new neighborhood, we can understand overbuying. But if not, you should know how many visitors come your way. Looks like it’s candy for breakfast for a while.
5. Again (Have a Realistic Expectation of the Head Count)

Same as with the last one, you better have a good idea of how many kids are in your neighborhood. If you underestimate the head count, you’ll run out of the treats, and that’s when the tricks begin.
6. Try Before You Buy

Ouch. Just ouch.
7. You Had One Job

There’s just gotta be a gas station nearby to help you fill up that bucket. And grab a few extras for yourself, while you’re at it.
8. Decorate Properly

Maybe spend some time on Pinterest with a few tutorials to help out on those decorations and make them a little more….less realistic.
9. Better Check the Ingredients on That Halloween Makeup

A+ for effort, though. But seriously, watch those super-secret ingredients and know about any skin sensitivities you may have.
10. Kids Can Be Cruel

Well, they’re just trying to give you a little advice.
11. Buy Costumes a Size Up or Two

They just never seem to fit right, do they?
12. Don’t Be “That House”

Raisins? Really?
13. Order Early

This is the busy season for costumes, so do yourself a favor and plan some extra days into your timeline. If you don’t, you could be stuck whipping up a super-lame costume at the last minute, like a “sexy kitty” or “guy wearing hat.”
14. Save Some Candy for the Kids

Look, everybody knows sitting with a bowl of delicious individually wrapped chocolate candies is a recipe for disaster, so do yourself a favor and leave the candy in the kitchen until it’s time. Plus, that walk to the kitchen will help you get those steps in for the day.
15. Just Ask Google for Help

Every year, it’s the same thing, “What do you want to be this year?” If you need a little inspiration, try Googling ideas, or check out Pinterest for help. You’ll be ready for the party in no time.
Good luck out there, everyone.