Hawaii Fire Insurance
Find the right fire insurance policy for you.

Residents of Hawaii believe that Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire, inhabits the Kilauea Volcano. Local legend bestows a great deal of power on Pele, and it is little wonder, given how powerfully destructive an out-of-control fire can be. Blazes can lead to thousands of dollars in property damage, and, for those without sufficient fire insurance, this can be devastating. It is therefore in your best interest to review your currently held policies to ensure that your coverage limits are high enough. If not, it may be time to start reviewing fire insurance quotes from other providers so you can obtain sufficient coverage at an acceptable rate.
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Hawaii Fire Facts
- There are currently 11 fire departments in the state of Hawaii.
- Residential fires in this state result in an average of $4,962 in property damage.
- Hawaii wildfires start due to a number of reasons: humans, lava, lightning, brush and fire tornadoes (a rare phenomenon that does occur in this state).
Fire Insurance Is Included in Policies You Already Have
Fire insurance is a specialized form of property insurance. It is usually included with the policies you already carry. This insurance can compensate you for the costs associated with the repair or replacement of your property if it sustains damage in an uncontrolled blaze. If you have a homeowners or auto insurance policy, you most likely have coverage against fire damage. You just need to make certain that the coverage limits you have are high enough.
You can do this by quickly reviewing your currently held policies. It may have been a while since you purchased your policies, and the value of your personal property may have gone up significantly since that time. In such a case, it is in your best interest to increase your coverage accordingly.
Cover Your Home in Hawaii with Adequate Fire Insurance
The good news is that most residential fires are small and quickly contained. Unfortunately, a fire can sometimes get out of control and cause excessive damage to your home and the property kept within. Fortunately, the fire insurance included in your home policy can compensate you for your losses, up to your coverage limits.
You do not need to be a homeowner to get coverage against fire damage. The type of dwelling you live in and your ownership status will determine which type of policy you need to have in order to be covered:
- If you own a traditional home: You will need a homeowners insurance policy to provide coverage for both the structure of your house and the contents kept inside. If you have any extremely valuable property such as antiques or jewelry you may need to purchase an additional endorsement to cover your personal belongings fully.
- If you own a mobile home: You will need mobile home insurance. This insurance acts very much like traditional home insurance, but it is usually more affordable. Mobile homes tend to depreciate, so if you want your policy to provide you with a replacement home, rather than funds in a depreciated amount, you may need to pay more for your coverage.
- If you own a condo or townhouse: You will need a condo insurance policy. You already pay dues to a condo association, which maintains a master policy that covers the structure of your building. Your condo insurance policy covers all the property you keep within your unit. As with homeowners insurance, you may need to purchase an additional endorsement to cover fully your most valuable belongings.
- If you rent your home: You will need renters insurance. Although your landlord is responsible for covering any fire damage to the structure of your rental home, you are responsible for covering your personal property. Renters insurance is typically very affordable and can compensate you for loss or damage to your personal belongings if a fire or other covered event damages them.
These insurance policies can also cover the costs associated with temporary housing if a fire renders your home uninhabitable. Regardless of what type of policy you have, it is a good idea to revisit your coverage every three to five years to make sure that your coverage limits are high enough.
Ensure that Your Vehicle Is Covered Against Fire
Your personal vehicle can be an expensive investment. If you still owe a lot for it or would have difficulty replacing it due to fire, insuring it properly is a very good idea. The type of coverage you should have depends on whether you want to protect your vehicle against collision-related fire or non-collision-related fire:
- Collision-related fire: Vehicular fires resulting from a collision can cause extensive damage. When you are at fault for the accident, your insurance may cover the fire damage if you have included collision insurance as part of your policy. If a third party is at fault, that party's insurance should cover the costs. When the responsible driver does not have insurance or lacks sufficient coverage, your policy may cover you if you have included uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage in your policy.
- Non-collision event: Problems such as a fire in your garage or a wildfire raging out of control may cause your vehicle to burn in a non-collision-related event. You are likely to get compensation from your insurance provider as long as you have comprehensive coverage with your vehicular policy.
Drivers in HI need only carry liability insurance and personal injury protection. Therefore, if you purchased a policy that only meets the state’s requirements, you will not have collision, uninsured/underinsured driver or comprehensive coverage as part of your car or truck insurance package. If you want complete coverage against fire damage, you will need to add these additional coverage options to your policy.
Get Help Finding and Comparing Fire Insurance Quotes in Hawaii
If you would like help reviewing your current fire insurance coverage, you can contact one of the many independent insurance agents in the TrustedChoice.com network. These agents can explain the fire coverage you already have and, if deficiencies exist, can advise you about ways to improve your coverage. These agents can also help you find and compare competitively priced policy quotes that meet your coverage needs.
There are several Trusted Choice agents located right here in Hawaii. Get more information and start comparing fire insurance quotes by talking with an independent agent near you.