Baton Rouge Homeowners Insurance
Find the right homeowners insurance policy for you.

The state capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, has a lot to offer its residents. In fact, Forbes Magazine recently ranked it among the best places in America to live after retirement, citing its low cost of living, affordable housing, and nearby college amenities. If you own a home in this lively southern city, you will want to be sure to protect your investment with a comprehensive Baton Rouge, LA homeowners insurance policy.
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Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Louisiana
- National yearly premium average: $1,034
- Louisiana yearly premium average: $1,742
- 2nd most expensive premium in the US
These, of course, are just averages. The cost of your particular policy will be determined based on several factors including the age and structural build of your home, the amount of coverage purchased, your claims history and even your ZIP code. To get the best idea of what you can expect to pay, you will need to request rate quotes from insurance providers.
What does Baton Rouge Homeowners Insurance Cover?
A Baton Rouge home insurance policy will protect you from several financial risks that you face as a homeowner. In addition to covering damage to your property, it can protect you from liability claims. Your home insurance policy will include four main components:
- Structural coverage: This compensates you for damage to the structure of your home as well as to outlying structures on your property such as detached garages, fences, and storage sheds.
- Property coverage: Also known as contents coverage, this covers the personal property that you keep inside your home. Items of particular value, such as silverware, original artwork, and antiques, may require additional riders in order to be fully covered.
- Liability coverage: This covers the costs associated with personal injury or property damage suffered by a third party if you can be held responsible. It also covers you against claims of slander or libel as well as any court costs and legal fees associated with a covered event.
- Relocation assistance: In the event that your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event, this will cover the costs associated with temporary housing, including meals, until you can return to your home.
Number of Thefts in Louisiana
- National average for burglaries: 37,814
- Louisiana number of burglaries: 41,184
There are several different property crimes that fall under the category of theft, but burglary is the one that most concerns Baton Rouge homeowners. If your home is broken into and burglarized, in addition to losing valuable property, you may also be faced with the need to replace a door or window. Your Baton Rouge homeowners insurance policy for you can provide you with compensation for your losses.
For the residents of Baton Rouge and the rest of the state, the burglary rate is high. Residents of this city are strongly advised to keep their homes secured, preferably with deadbolt locks. Burglar alarm systems are particularly helpful at keeping burglars at bay. While installation of such a system may be costly, a large portion of that cost can be offset by resultant discounts on your home insurance policy.
Number of Catastrophes in Louisiana:
- National number of catastrophes: 19,033
- Number of catastrophes in Louisiana, 369
- National number of tornadoes: 1,233
- Number of tornadoes in Louisiana: 29
- National property damage from weather: $5,511,270,000
- Property damage from weather in Louisiana: 10,240,000
The forces of nature can cause damage to your home. Fortunately, a fully comprehensive Baton Rouge homeowners insurance policy can prevent this damage from breaking the bank. Most weather-related property damage in this city is caused by the following:
- Heavy winds: Hurricanes and tropical storms that enter the Gulf of Mexico often make landfall in Louisiana. With them come damaging winds. These heavy winds can destroy windows, blow roofs off homes, and damage your property. Although it is relatively rare in the Baton Rouge area, the cyclonic winds of a tornado can also cause damage to area homes.
- Floods: Hurricanes and tropical storms bring more than just heavy winds. They also result in torrential downpours. When heavy rains fall onto the already water-drenched ground, excessive flooding is unavoidable. Unfortunately, your Baton Rouge homeowners insurance will not cover damage caused by floods. However, you can purchase an affordable flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program, or NFIP.
- Hailstorms: Hailstorms occur from time to time in Baton Rouge. In most cases, the hailstones that fall are less than 1 inch in diameter and cause very few problems. However, when these stones are larger, they can frequently damage roofs, necessitating costly repairs.
A comprehensive Baton Rouge homeowners insurance policy coupled with a Louisiana flood insurance policy should be sufficient to protect you from the overwhelming expenses that can be brought on by weather-related damage to your home.
Start Comparing Baton Rouge Home Insurance Quotes Today
Most insurance experts recommend obtaining a minimum of three insurance quotes before selecting any insurance policy. This enables you to assess whether coverage you are purchasing offers adequate coverage and comes at a competitive rate. Unfortunately, getting these quotes can often be a time-consuming and aggravating process because you will need to provide each insurance company with a large amount of personal information before you can be given an accurate quote.
You can simplify this process significantly by allowing an independent agent in our network to do the comparison shopping for you. Member agents can use their relationships with several top-rated insurance companies to quickly provide you with a selection of competitively priced policies that meet your coverage needs.
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