Sault Ste. Marie Homeowners Insurance
Find the right homeowners insurance policy for you.

Sault Ste. Marie is located on the northeastern end of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It lies on the US-Canadian border, directly across the St. Mary’s River from its twin city, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Sault Ste. Marie is somewhat isolated from the rest of Michigan, at over 340 miles away from Detroit. The city has around 14,000 residents, making it the second-largest city in the U.P. If you own a home in this unique community, you’ll want to be sure to protect it from threats like fire, theft, vandalism, and severe weather. What’s more, you want to protect your assets from the costs of lawsuits if you are sued for something that happens on your property.
A reliable home insurance policy is the best way to protect your investment. An independent insurance agent in or near Sault Ste. Marie can help you find the best home insurance policy for your needs. Independent agents can help you get quotes from multiple insurance companies, so you can make the best choice for your needs and budget.
Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Michigan is the 39th most expensive state for home insurance in the US, with an average cost of homeowners coverage lower than the national average. In Sault Ste. Marie, the average cost of home insurance is even lower than in the rest of the state.
- National average yearly premium: $1,173
- Michigan average yearly premium: $982
- Sault Ste. Marie average yearly premium: $621
Actual rates for individual homeowners in Sault Ste. Marie may be more or less than the state average. Home insurance rates are calculated on a case-by-case basis and are based on factors such as:
- The size of your house, the year it was built, and the age of your roof
- The estimated cost to rebuild your home (replacement cost)
- Your history of filing claims and your credit score
- Your coverage limits and deductible amount
- Whether you are purchasing other policies (car insurance, life insurance) with the same insurance company
What’s more, every insurance company uses a different formula to calculate its rates, so premiums vary from carrier to carrier. It’s important to shop around to find the policy and insurance company that best fits your needs and budget. Independent agents in Sault Ste. Marie can help. Contact an agent today to get competitive quotes.
Burglary Rate in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Sault Ste. Marie is a safe community with a relatively low crime rate that is quite a bit lower than the national average and lower than the state average.
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in the U.S.: 4.69
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in Michigan: 3.99
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in Sault Ste. Marie: 3.65
Even though you live in a safe community, you still need to take precautions to prevent thefts and break-ins. Be sure to lock your doors, keep your home well-lit, and make your house look occupied even when you aren’t at home. Home security systems serve as excellent theft deterrents. What’s more, many insurance companies offer discounts to policyholders who have installed burglar alarms in their homes.
If you are the victim of a burglary, your homeowners insurance company can reimburse you for lost and damaged possessions, as well as broken windows, doors, or locks. Be sure to call the police and your insurance company immediately if you discover a break-in. Keep a copy of the police report, too, because you’ll need it to file an insurance claim. And don’t forget, your independent insurance agent is there to help and advise you through the claims process.
Catastrophic Events in Michigan
Sault Ste. Marie has cold, snowy winters and warm summers. The city is one of the snowiest places in the state of Michigan. In fact, Sault Ste. Marie has experienced some record-breaking snowfalls:
- The city receives an average of 128 inches of snow per year.
- In one record-breaking year, 209 inches of snow fell in Sault Ste. Marie.
- In December 1995, 62 inches of snow fell in one five-day snowstorm, including 28 inches in 24 hours.
- Recent winters have brought 158.7 inches of snow to Sault Ste. Marie, which was the most snowfall measured in the nation that year.
Sault Ste. Marie also experiences wild temperature variations, with winter lows reaching -36 °F and summer highs reaching 98 °F. There is an average of 85.5 days annually where the high remains at or below freezing, and 26.5 nights with a low of 0 °F or colder.
- Number of declared disasters in Michigan: 37
- Most common reasons for disasters in the state: Floods and Severe Storms
- Average number of tornadoes per year in Michigan: 14.7
- Average amount of property damage per year in Michigan: $1,163,733,000
- 1 in 15 insured homes has a claim each year
While floods and severe storms are the most common disasters in Michigan, it is the cold and snow that are likely to cause the most damage to homes in Sault Ste. Marie. Heavy snow can damage roofs, siding, and foundations, while extreme cold can lead to frozen or burst pipes that can cause extensive damage to your home. The purpose of homeowners insurance is to cover your financial losses when something damages or destroys your personal property. An insurance agent can help you review your structure and contents coverage limits so you can be sure that they are high enough to enable you to rebuild, repair, or replace if necessary.
Liability Insurance for Sault Ste. Marie Homeowners
Your homeowners insurance policy protects you against certain types of lawsuits you could face as a homeowner. While the likelihood of being sued is pretty low, the liability insurance portion of your homeowners insurance becomes your financial lifeline if someone accuses you of negligence. Liability insurance covers expenses related to a lawsuit. These expenses include attorney fees, court costs, and even any damages you are required to pay if you are sued for a covered event.
Your homeowners insurance policy responds to lawsuits related to third-party injuries that occur on your property, damage caused by your pets or children, accusations of libel or slander, and other acts of negligence by you or a family member. Many homeowners supplement their homeowners liability coverage with a personal umbrella policy. It enables you to protect all of your assets if you were forced to pay out a sum in excess of the liability limits of your home or car insurance policy. An independent agent can help you assess your needs and explain more about your liability insurance options.
Second Home and Vacation Home Insurance
Do you own a vacation home, cottage, or rental property outside of Sault Ste. Marie? Any type of second home, whether in town or out in the country, needs insurance coverage, and homes that do not serve as a primary residence often have some additional risks involved. You may even find that your second home insurance is more costly than the coverage for your primary residence.
Vacation homes are often left unoccupied and unattended for several months of the year. These homes are more susceptible to thefts, vandalism, break-ins, and property damage than homes that are occupied all year. Vacant home insurance can help give you peace of mind in these situations. If you have a rental property, your risk for liability claims and lawsuits is higher. Landlord insurance is typically necessary if you own a second home that is occupied by tenants. An independent insurance agent in or near Sault Ste. Marie can help you find the best policies to cover all of your properties.
Why Work with an Independent Insurance Agent?
Independent insurance agents make it fast and easy to find the best policy to cover your home. Because they aren’t tied to a single insurance company, they can help you comparison shop for the best coverage and most affordable rates for your needs.
Find a local agent to start comparing customized home insurance quotes for your Sault Ste. Marie home.