Columbia, MO Homeowners Insurance
(And why the agent you choose matters.)

Known for progressive politics, art, and journalism, Columbia, Missouri is full of energy. This college town has the fourth highest population in the state.
If you're one of the 121,717 residents in this lively place, you'll probably need homeowner's insurance. You can find the coverage and price you need with an independent insurance agent. Find an agent in minutes and start saving.
How to Protect Your Columbia, MO Home from Catastrophe
Your homeowners insurance needs to have coverage for all that life throws at you. When you are comparing policies, make sure you have insurance for Columbia's most common natural disasters. Let's look at the facts:
- Major disasters declared by a president of the US: 15
- States of emergency declared: 7
- The number of natural disasters on average: 22
The Most Common Natural Disasters in Columbia, MO
#1 - Floods
#2 - Storms
#3 - Tornadoes
#4 - Winter Storms
#5 - Drought
Your personal finances could be at risk if you don't have enough coverage. Be sure you have coverage against all these perils so you can get the protection you need. Your home policy will protect against all major disasters, excluding flood damage. Contact your independent agent to make sure you have the right coverage.
Extreme Weather Losses in Columbia, MO
- Power outages: If your power goes out, it can damage your home appliances and create food loss. Make sure your home policy responds to power outages.
- Property damage: Additional living expense coverage will help pay for a rental house or hotel when your home is repaired after a loss.
The Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Columbia, MO
Your home insurance cost is different from anyone else's because it's customized to you. Your home and specifications are unique, so your rates are, too. The best way to know if you're getting a fair price is to compare it to the averages:
- National annual average: $2,305
- Missouri annual average: $3,111
Home insurance in the state of Missouri is more expensive than the national average. This can be for many reasons, and your costs could be higher or lower than that figure. To know your exact pricing, ask your local agent to quote your home policy.
Burglaries in Columbia, MO and Your Home Insurance
The number of burglaries in your area will impact your insurance premiums, no matter where you live. The safer the city, the less your home policy will cost. Let's take a look at the number of burglaries per 100,000 households:
- National average: 376.00
- Missouri average: 444.90
- Columbia average: 444.20
Columbia, MO has a higher average for burglaries than some other cities, so you'll want to have proper protection. Discuss scheduling certain high-value belongings to avoid deductibles. Scheduling will also replace your belongings at their appraised value and cover things like mysterious disappearance and theft. Higher-value items include the following:
- Furs
- Jewelry
- Guns
- Artwork
- Furniture
- Collector items
Speak with your local agent to get quotes on some of your more expensive belongings.
What about Flood Insurance for Your Columbia, MO Home?
Most consumers are not aware that flood insurance is a separate policy from your homeowners insurance. Flooding is the Number One threat in Columbia, MO, so you'll want a policy that protects against it. Follow the steps below with an independent agent, who can help quote flood insurance for you:
Step #1 - Have your agent look up your flood zone.
Step #2 - Have your agent quote flood insurance with FEMA-approved carriers.
Step #3 - Purchase flood insurance through your independent agent.
Does Your Columbia, MO Home Have Liability Insurance?
Your Columbia homeowners policy has liability insurance as its primary coverage. Liability limits start at $100,000 and go up to $1,000,000, depending on your assets. Let's look at what liability coverage will insure:
- Protects your finances if you are legally responsible for damage or injury to another person or property.
- Protects other household members who are legally responsible for damage or injury to another person or property.
Liability Claim Example
If a guest slips and falls on your property, causing injury and medical bills, your liability insurance will apply and cover the loss. Bodily injury claims occur frequently, so be sure your coverage is adequate.
Find an Independent Agent in Columbia, MO
The benefit of working with an independent insurance agent is you get the best of both worlds. They can find you sufficient coverage for a competitive price.
An independent agent works with multiple carriers, giving you options. Connect with a local agent to get started.