Independence Homeowners Insurance
(And how to find an independent insurance agent.)

Formerly home to US president Harry S. Truman, Independence, Missouri, has a nice ring to it. It was initially on the map for being a leading port in the fur trade. This city of 117,306 residents is known for its part in US history.
If you own a home in Independence, you'll want proper protection. Connect with a local independent insurance agent to find the coverage you need.
What Is the Cost of Homeowner's Insurance in Independence, MO?
If you know how the carriers figure out your home insurance premiums, you may be able to save. There are a number of rating factors that you should be aware of. Some are in your control and others aren't. Let's take a look at what the insurance companies use to determine cost:
- Your address
- Loss history
- Coverage selected
- Insurance score
- Credit score
- Year, square footage, and materials of your home
- Replacement cost of your home
You may want to see where your home insurance premiums rank compared to the averages. It's always good to know where your insurance cost stands.
Home Insurance Average Premiums
- National annual average: $2,305
- Missouri annual average: $3,111
With Missouri coming in higher than the national average, your Independence rates may be more expensive. However, since coverage is customized to you, your premiums could be above or below those figures. Discuss pricing with your local agent to know your exact costs.
Burglaries in Independence, MO and Your Home Insurance
When you are the victim of a break-in, you want to be sure your home insurance policy will respond. The local crime rates will affect your insurance costs. Take a look at the number of burglaries per 100,000 homes:
- National burglary average : 376.00
- Missouri burglary average: 444.90
- Independence burglary average: 599.80
Insurance to replace or repair your stolen items can be found under your home's personal property coverage. If you are injured in a home burglary, then your medical payments coverage will apply. Contact your independent agent to make sure your home has the protection it needs.
Natural Disasters in Independence, MO and Homeowners Insurance
A natural disaster could wipe out your home and belongings fast. Without proper insurance, your finances could be at risk as well. Coverage for severe weather is a must and not something you want to second-guess. A knowledgeable adviser will make sure the most common exposures are insured.
Most Common Natural Disasters in Independence, MO
#1 - Floods
#2 - Storms
#3 - Tornadoes
If you are unsure whether your home policy will provide coverage for the most common perils, call your agent. They can go over your policy's limits and make sure you have all the what-ifs insured.
Why You Need a Separate Flood Insurance Policy in Independence, MO
In Independence, floods are the Number One risk, so you'll want to get flood insurance. Contrary to popular belief, your primary home policy excludes flood damage. That means when you're standing in an inch of water, you 'll be responsible for damage without this coverage. Here's how to get flood insurance in three easy steps:
- Have your independent agent pull your elevation certificate to determine your flood zone.
- Have your agent quote flood insurance with FEMA-approved carriers.
- Select the best flood insurance option presented.
Connect with your independent insurance agent to make sure you have flood insurance for your home today.
Homeowners Liability Insurance in Independence, MO
The primary coverage on your home insurance policy is liability. A lawsuit could arise out of several situations that your liability insurance could respond to. Take a look at some liability claim examples:
- A friend slips and falls on your property and sues for injuries sustained.
- A tree falls on your neighbor's roof, and they sue for property damage.
- Your child is accused of bullying another person on social media, and their parents sue you.
It's essential to make sure your home policy will protect you and your family adequately. An Independence, MO agent can check your liability limits and suggest coverage that makes sense for your home.
Umbrella Liability Insurance
Adequate insurance protection is needed when you own a home. When your homeowners insurance limits are not enough, you'll want an umbrella policy. Umbrella insurance will provide additional liability coverage above and beyond your underlying home and auto insurance policies. A more significant insurance claim could quickly exhaust your primary policy limits. Contact your independent agent for information on how to get umbrella insurance.
How an Independent Agent Can Help in Independence, MO
When you are insuring one of your largest investments, a trusted adviser is needed. A local independent insurance agent can get the coverage and price you want for your home.
They can quote rates with several markets, so you have options to choose from. Go to and connect with an Independence, MO agent in minutes.