Bellevue Business Insurance
Find the right business insurance policy for you.

There are more than 150,000 small businesses headquartered in Nebraska, and these businesses employ almost 400,000 people. Bellevue is home to approximately 3,000 of Nebraska’s businesses. Construction and retail trade companies tend to do especially well in this city, but successful businesses in a wide range of industries can be found here. Whatever the size of your Bellevue business, it is important that you protect the investment you have made in it with a suitable commercial insurance policy.
With approximately $1.3 billion paid out in commercial insurance claims in Nebraska each year, this is coverage worth having. Independent insurance agents in Bellevue can help you identify the risks your business faces and can offer appropriate coverage recommendations. That way you can be sure that getting the business insurance coverage you need.
Liability Insurance for Small Businesses in Bellevue
A liability lawsuit against your company can end up costing more than $1 million. Liability insurance protects your business by covering court costs, legal fees, and damages. Every commercial insurance policy includes general liability coverage. Some businesses will need additional liability insurance products, depending on what the company does. Some common liability coverage types your agent may discuss with you include:
- Premises liability insurance: This is part of your policy’s general liability coverage. It is designed to cover third-party injuries, illnesses, and property damage that may occur on your business premises.
- Product liability insurance: This is also part of your general liability coverage. It can cover against lawsuits resulting from injuries, illnesses or property damage caused by products your Bellevue-based company produces, sells, or promotes.
- Professional liability insurance: This is also known as errors and omissions insurance. It is designed to cover employees in professional positions against charges of errors in judgment and other mistakes. This liability insurance can cover all kinds of professionals, from doctors to lawyers to party planners.
An independent agent in Bellevue can help you identify other types of liability insurance, such as pollution insurance, that may be appropriate for your business.
Business Interruption Insurance for Bellevue Businesses
If a major disaster strikes Bellevue, or if your place of business should be destroyed by an accidental structure fire, you will likely need to halt business operations for a long period. Business interruption insurance is designed to give your company a continuation of income during such times. Businesses in Bellevue and throughout the state of Nebraska play an important role in their contribution to the US economy.
- Gross domestic product (GDP) for the US: 2.2%
- Gross state product (GSP) for Nebraska: 3.0%
- The GSP is 0.8% greater than the GDP
Naturally, your business cannot generate revenue if it is not operational. That is why, when disaster strikes, business interruption insurance proves so valuable. It enables you to continue to pay your business’s regular expenses, including loan payments and salaries, while you are closed for repairs.
Property Insurance for Small Businesses in Bellevue, NE
Your business may include a lot of expensive property. This can include computers, tools and machinery, signs, display cases, inventory, furnishings, and more. Commercial property insurance is designed to cover these assets if they are damaged or stolen.
- Number of federally declared disasters in NE since 1953: 62
- Most common reasons for declared disasters: Severe Storms and Floods
Severe weather events, particularly tornadoes and severe storms, can cause widespread damage to your business property. Other risks include property crimes and accidental fires. Inland marine insurance can protect property while it is in transit. With the right property insurance, you can keep your Bellevue business fully covered. Bear in mind that while flood damage is a serious risk in Bellevue, your commercial insurance will not cover this risk. Talk to your independent agent for help securing a commercial flood insurance policy that can provide the added coverage you need.
Workers' Compensation for Bellevue Businesses
If your employees are injured or get sick on the job, your company may be liable for covering their healthcare treatment, lost wages, and other expenses. Fortunately, workers' compensation insurance coverage can protect your business from large financial losses related to these injuries. It can also shield your company from potential liability lawsuits. Every state has its own laws pertaining to workers' compensation insurance. In Nebraska, most businesses are required to have it. Exceptions include sole proprietors with no employees, domestic servants, railroad employees, and certain agricultural operations. You have the option of purchasing coverage through a commercial provider or, if approved, you may self-insure.
Employee Health Benefits for Small Businesses in Bellevue
If your Bellevue-based business employs at least 50 full-time workers, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires your company to provide them with subsidized health care coverage.
- Average amount spent on healthcare coverage by NE businesses: $305,001
- Ranked 16th for highest medical insurance costs in the US
- Average annual cost of health care in NE: $5,431/person or $14,616/family
There are a number of different healthcare coverage types available, and these policies are offered at varying prices. A local independent agent can help you sort through your options so you can find the policy that best meets your company’s coverage and budgetary needs.
Cybercrime Insurance for Bellevue Small Businesses
Our society is extremely dependent on computers. Businesses tend to store a lot of customer data electronically. This can include a great deal of personal and financial information. If hackers target your business and access this information, your company can be held liable for damages, and this can prove extremely expensive.
- Number of identity theft complaints in Nebraska per year: 914
- Ranked 46th highest for identity theft complaints in the US
- Only 22% of businesses have a cyber/data breach response plan
The risk of cybercrime being used to perpetrate identity theft is growing. Cybercrime insurance was created to help businesses obtain protection against this risk. A local independent agent can explain the many ways cybercrime insurance can prove beneficial to your business.
Why Talk to an Independent Agent?
Business owners in Bellevue get the best commercial insurance coverage when they work with an expert. Independent insurance agents can help you build a policy package that provides your business with all the coverage you need. Because they work with several insurance companies, these agents can make sure you get your coverage at a competitive rate.
Discover how easy it can be to build a suitable commercial insurance policy by contacting a local independent agent.