Hastings, NE Homeowners Insurance
Find the right homeowners insurance policy for you.

Hastings is the county seat of Nebraska’s Adams County and is home to Hastings College. The approximately 25,000 residents of this small city enjoy visiting the city’s various parks, posing for pictures in front of the iconic Fisher Fountain, and being part of a close-knit community. If you are among Hasting’s proud homeowners, you will want to be sure to protect your investment with a suitable home insurance policy. When you are looking for the best homeowners insurance policy, an independent insurance agent can help. Find an agent in or near Hastings, Nebraska to learn more and start comparing quotes.
Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Nebraska
- National yearly premium average: $1,211
- Nebraska yearly premium average: $1,481
- 11th most expensive premium in the US
The rates listed above are just averages. Rates can actually vary significantly from one homeowner to the next. This is because rates are based on a number of considerations including:
- The age, size, and value of your home, as well as the material used in its construction
- The crime rate in the ZIP code where your house is located
- The amount of your deductible
- Whether you are bundling your coverage with other policies like car insurance
To find out how much coverage will cost for your Hastings home, you can ask an independent agent to obtain quotes from different insurance companies. Each company has its own method for calculating rates, so comparing quotes lets you choose the policy that provides the best value for your money.
Burglary Rate in Hastings, Nebraska
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in the US: 3.76
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in Nebraska: 2.72
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in Hastings: 6.74
The burglary rate in Nebraska is lower than the national average, but in Hastings, it is higher. Residents of this small city report more than 150 burglaries every year. This can result in increased home insurance rates. Taking precautions such as installing burglar alarms and using deadbolt locks can often qualify you for a discount on your home insurance policy. In the event that your Hastings home is burglarized, you may gain some comfort in knowing that your homeowners insurance company can provide you with compensation for your losses.
Catastrophic Events in Nebraska
- Number of declared disasters in Nebraska: 72
- Average number of tornadoes per year in Nebraska: 57
- Average amount of property damage per year in NE: $698,557,000
- 1 in 15 insured homes has a claim each year.
Your home insurance policy is designed to provide coverage against many of the extreme weather hazards you are likely to face as a homeowner in Hastings. It can also cover against man-made disasters like accidental structure fires. Your local independent agent can help you review your coverage limits so you can be sure that they are high enough to cover a total loss.
As a resident of Hastings, you are most at risk for property damage caused by severe storms and tornadoes, both of which are covered by most home insurance policies. Some of this city’s homeowners are also at risk for flood damage, but this is not covered by home insurance. Fortunately, if you wish, an independent insurance agent can help you supplement your homeowners insurance policy with affordable flood insurance. This coverage is provided through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is overseen by FEMA.
Liability Coverage for Hastings, NE Homeowners
Your home insurance policy covers more than just the structure of your home and your personal belongings. It can also cover you against a wide range of potential liability claims. The liability insurance portion of your homeowners policy is designed to cover court costs, legal fees, and damages if you are sued for a covered event. Some examples of times you may find yourself on the wrong end of a lawsuit include:
- A visitor to your home trips over loose carpeting and is severely injured
- Your dog bites a neighbor as she jogs past your house
- A diseased tree on your property falls onto your neighbor’s house
- You are charged with libel or slander
In each of these cases, your home insurance policy may cover your associated costs.
Second Home and Vacation Home Insurance
Some residents of Hastings own more than one house. If the property you are insuring is not your primary residence, there are additional factors that need to be taken into consideration. These can influence your rates for coverage. For example, vacation homes that are left vacant for long periods of time have higher property damage risks. Also, if you rent your second home out to others, such as to Hastings College students, you will have higher liability risks and will, therefore, need to purchase landlord insurance. An independent insurance agent can help you understand the coverage needs associated with your extra property and can help you find the best and most affordable policy to meet those needs.
Why Work with an Independent Insurance Agent?
Independent insurance agents make finding the right home insurance easy. This is because, unlike captive agents, they can work with a number of different insurers to obtain quotes and find you the most competitive price.
Find an independent agent in or near Hastings to learn more and start your search for the best homeowners insurance policy.