New York City Car Insurance
Find the right car insurance policy for you.

Navigating the streets of New York City can be daunting. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 46% of households in New York City own cars, and for good reason. The city’s streets are perpetually congested with cars, pedestrians, cyclists, street vendors, and some of the most aggressive and fearless taxi drivers around.
For those New Yorkers who do own a car, good auto insurance is essential. New York City car insurance can help you pay if you are in an accident, and it can give you peace of mind if you are brave enough to head out into the citywide traffic nightmare.
A Trusted Choice® Independent Insurance Agent can assess the very unique risks you face as New York City driver. Our local agents will work hard to find you the right policy that covers your risks, protects your family and stays within your budget.
Cost of New York City Car Insurance
Did You know? The average cost of New York City car insurance is $275 per month.
The amount you pay for your auto policy is based on a variety of personal characteristics, such as the following:
- Where you live
- What make and model of car you drive
- How many miles you put on your car each year
If your rates are higher than average, you may have a car that is more expensive to repair or replace, or you may have a longer daily commute than other people you know.
If you drive in New York City, you need car insurance that tackles your risks and fits your budget. A Trusted Choice independent insurance agent can help you find the coverage you need at a price you can afford.
New York City Car Insurance Requirements
- Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident required
- Property Damage Liability: $10,000 required
- Personal Injury Protection (PIP): $50,000 required
Who Pays If the Accident Wasn’t My Fault?
The driver who caused the accident, of course. Approximately 6.1% of New York drivers are uninsured. That’s why New York City drivers need “uninsured motorist coverage.”
This important insurance coverage pays for your vehicle repairs and medical bills if an uninsured driver hits you. Without it, you could face serious expenses with no way to collect from the at-fault driver.
Some states require all drivers to purchase a minimum amount of uninsured motorist coverage.
New York has a very low percentage of uninsured drivers, but uninsured motorist coverage is required.
What affects the Cost of New York City Car Insurance?
How much you pay for auto insurance in New York City is based on how risky you are as a driver. Insurance companies look at several of your personal risk factors, such as these:
- Your age
- Your gender
- Your ZIP code
- Your driving history
- Your car
- The number of drivers in your household
Young drivers, for example, are usually less experienced on the road than older drivers. Teens and young adults are more likely to get into an accident and should always expect to pay more for car insurance.
Drivers of expensive or newer cars can also expect to pay more for New York City car insurance. Insurance companies know that these cars cost more to repair or replace if you’re in an accident.
Fortunately, insurance companies typically offer a variety of discounts to help offset some of the costs for most drivers — even teens. Ask your Trusted Choice insurance agent about the discounts that you might qualify for.
City Factors That Will Affect Your Rate:
Commute Time
Many New Yorkers forego car ownership and use public transportation to get around. Commute times are extreme for those that do drive to work or school every day.
Insurance companies know that the more time you spend on the road, the more likely you are to be in an accident. Insurance rates in New York City are higher for this reason.
- National average: 25.4 minutes
- New York City average: 39.2 minutes
Number of Auto Thefts in New York City
- National number of thefts for 1,000 vehicles: 2.94
- Number of thefts for 1,000 vehicles in New York City: 0.66
New York City has a low rate of auto theft, which can help to keep insurance rates lower than in other large cities.
Remember that car insurance is important no matter where you live. If your car is stolen, it helps you pay to replace it. And it can even help you pay for repairs to a vandalized vehicle and to replace any belongings that are stolen from inside your car.
To minimize the chance of your car’s being stolen, always take precautions.
- Never leave your vehicle running while unattended
- Never leave your keys in your car
- Never leave valuables visible in your car
- Always park in busy, well-lit areas
- Always lock your car, even at home
If your car is stolen, be sure to report it to the police and your insurance agent right away.
Find Affordable Car Insurance in New York City
Trusted Choice Independent Insurance Agents aren't tied down to one carrier. They can get quotes from multiple insurance companies and offer a variety of affordable policy options.
It’s time to shop around to see if you can save on New York City car insurance. Our agents will assess your risks, answer your questions and offer quality car insurance that meets your needs.