New York Tornado Insurance
Find the right tornado insurance policy for you.

New York is not in Tornado Alley, but the state does get its share of severe weather. In fact, New York is in the middle of the pack in the U.S. in terms of tornado risk, and all 50 states have at least some risk of a twister touching down. Hurricane Sandy, which inflicted a lot of damage with winds that were not as strong as those from a tornado, put homeowners on notice about the effects of severe weather. Hence, you may find it worthwhile to consider New York tornado insurance.
Spending a few minutes with a local, independent insurance agent in the Trusted Choice® network might help you determine your risk of being affected by a tornado. Contact an independent agent who can evaluate your current tornado coverage and determine the amount of coverage you need for your assets.
Some Statistics About New York Tornados
- Over a 45-year span from 1950 to 1994, New York ranked 30th in the U.S., with 249 tornados, or about six per year.
- From 1989 to 1994, New York had at least 10 tornados each year, 25 in 1992 and 21 in 1993.
- During the 45-year span, there were 21 deaths in New York from tornados, 176 injuries and more than $194 million in property damage.
What Is the Risk of a Severe Tornado in New York?
While your chance of being involved in a tornado and suffering damage in New York is pretty small, your chances of being affected increase over time. Some parts of New York seem to be more susceptible to strong weather patterns than others. For example, the less mountainous parts of western and southern New York seem to have a greater share of twisters than more urban areas like Albany and New York City.
With your risk being generally low, you may find that a New York tornado insurance policy is quite affordable. However, the rate differs depending on your location, which is why it is important to shop around and compare several New York tornado insurance quotes. A local member agent in the Trusted Choice network can help to assess your tornado risks.
Do Your Home and Auto Policies Cover Tornados?
Your current policies may provide some protection against loss from tornados, so it is important to understand what they do and do not cover. Make sure you pay attention to coverage not only for your home but also for your automobiles and your personal property.
Some policies do cover your home and belongings for wind damage associated with a tornado, while others will not. You may be able to add tornado insurance as a rider, which is add-on coverage. The amount the rider will add to your existing premium depends on the risk of a tornado in your area, combined with the premium you pay or are willing to pay to have your possessions covered from extreme winds.
For your vehicle, you'll need to carry comprehensive insurance to get protection for damage from tornados. Comprehensive insurance, or "other than collision" coverage, is not a mandatory insurance requirement for the state of New York. It can be a very smart investment, however, as it compensates you for damage from falling objects, fire, vandalism, and severe weather after you pay your deductible. Ask your agent if you have enough auto insurance to cover your risks in the face of a tornado.
Get the Help You Need from a Local Independent Agent
Working with a local independent agent in the Trusted Choice network means getting the advice and assistance you need to ensure that you have the proper New York tornado insurance coverage to protect your home, vehicles and personal belongings. Your agent can research coverage options from a number of insurance companies and help you to compare several different New York tornado insurance quotes.
Contact a local member agent in the Trusted Choice network today to secure your possessions and your peace of mind.