Winston-Salem Car Insurance
Find the right car insurance policy for you.

Even the most careful drivers can sometimes be involved in car accidents. That is why Winston-Salem vehicle owners are required to have auto insurance. From fender benders on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to multi-car collisions on the John Gold Memorial Expressway, a reliable car insurance policy can shield you from facing large financial losses after an accident. Independent insurance agents in Winston-Salem make shopping for car insurance stress-free. These agents can provide you with a variety of auto insurance quotes so you can be sure you are getting your policy at a competitive price. Contact an insurance agent near you to learn more.
North Carolina Car Insurance Requirements
If you own a car in North Carolina, you must have car insurance that meets or exceeds the following minimum requirements:
- Bodily injury liability: Required
- Property damage liability: Required
- Personal injury protection (PIP): Required
- Uninsured motorist coverage: Required
- Minimum liability limits: 30/60/15; coverage up to $60,000 for all persons injured in an accident, subject to a limit of $30,000 for one individual; and $15,000 coverage for property damage.
A policy that merely meets the state’s minimum liability coverage requirements should be enough to cover you for minor collisions. However, if you are responsible for a serious accident that results in significant injuries and property damage, your liability costs can easily exceed what a minimum coverage policy will cover. That is why many Winston-Salem vehicle owners choose to purchase car insurance that has higher-than-required liability limits. Some residents who want to further protect their assets also purchase umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance is an affordable way to significantly boost your liability coverage.
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Winston-Salem, NC?
North Carolina is the 44th most expensive state for car insurance. While the average cost in Winston-Salem is lower than the national rate, it is higher than the state average.
- National average annual car insurance cost: $1,311
- North Carolina average annual car insurance cost: $986
- Winston-Salem average annual car insurance cost: $1,150
Auto insurance rates can vary significantly from one driver to the next, so these figures can only give you a general idea of what your actual costs might be. This is because rates are calculated according to several considerations such as:
- The year, make, model, and trim of the vehicle(s) you are insuring
- Your age, occupation, driving record, claims history, and credit score
- Information about the other drivers in your household
- Whether you own or rent your home
- The estimated number of miles you drive your vehicle each year
- Your requested coverage amounts, options, and deductible
- The accident and auto theft rates in the vicinity of your home
You can frequently get lower rates if you qualify for certain discounts, such as for having a safe driving record or for bundling your coverage with another policy such as home insurance or renters insurance. Independent insurance agents can help you find the best price for the coverage you want.
Number of Uninsured Motorists in North Carolina
The penalty for driving an uninsured vehicle in North Carolina includes fines, fees, and probation or jail time. Despite this, almost one in ten drivers in this state do not have car insurance.
- How many US drivers are uninsured? 12.6%.
- How many North Carolina drivers are uninsured? 9.1%.
Uninsured motorist insurance guarantees that you will receive the compensation you deserve if an uninsured, underinsured, or hit-and-run driver is responsible for a collision with your vehicle. Your insurance company will assume the difficult task of collecting the money owed by the at-fault driver and will absorb the costs if unsuccessful. Uninsured motorist coverage is optional in many states. However, in North Carolina, it is required.
Number of Auto Thefts in Winston-Salem
The auto theft rate in North Carolina is lower than the national average, but in Winston-Salem, it is slightly higher. There are about 650 reported vehicle thefts in this city in a typical year.
- National auto theft rate per 1,000 vehicles: 2.94
- North Carolina auto theft rate per 1,000 vehicles: 2.12
- Winston-Salem auto theft rate per 1,000 vehicles: 2.96
Comprehensive insurance is necessary for you to be compensated for auto theft. This “other than collision” coverage is not required by law, but most lenders will mandate that you include it in your car insurance policy until your auto loan is fully paid off. In addition to auto theft, comprehensive insurance also provides coverage for other non-collision risks that can cause damage to your vehicle. This includes falling objects, heavy winds, fires, and floods. Talk to your independent insurance agent to learn how much it will cost you to add comprehensive insurance to your auto policy.
Why Work with an Independent Insurance Agent?
As a vehicle owner in Winston-Salem, you can turn to a local independent insurance agent for help when you are searching for the right car insurance to meet your coverage and budgetary needs. These agents are free to work with several different insurance companies so they can obtain a variety of customized quotes to help you find the best price.
Contact an independent insurance agent with an office in Winston-Salem to learn more.