Eugene Homeowners Insurance
How to get the best deal on coverage

From bicycle trails to hiking trails and everything in between, Eugene, Oregon, is an outdoorsy place. Academics and organic farming make Eugene a wholesome spot to live in.
When you own a home in the 168,916 resident town, you'll want proper protection. An independent insurance agent can help get the coverage you need for a fair price. Connect with a local agent and start saving.
Do Property Crimes Impact Your Eugene, OR, Homeowners Insurance?
Local crime, no matter where you live, will affect your home insurance premiums. The carriers look at the number of crime-related claims filed and charge accordingly. Let's look at the facts:
- Number of burglaries per 100,000 households in the US: 376
- Number of burglaries per 100,000 households in OR: 389.1
- Number of burglaries per 100,000 households in Eugene: 476.1
Eugene comes in higher on burglaries than both the state and national figures. This could mean that your rates will be more expensive. However, it all depends on your other risk factors. If you're a victim of a home burglary, you should have a general idea of how your homeowners policy will respond.
How homeowners insurance responds to a burglary:
- It replaces or repairs any damaged or stolen property
- It pays for medical expenses if anyone is injured
- It pays for additional living expenses if your home needs to be repaired or replaced due to a loss
So whether you live in a mini-mansion or a mobile home, your insurance policy needs to protect you against property crime. Speak with your Eugene independent agent on how coverage will apply.
How Catastrophic Events Can Affect Your Eugene Homeowners Policy
Severe weather can strike at any time, leading to catastrophe. If your home insurance policy isn't written correctly, you could have a lot of additional expenses. Let's look at the numbers in Eugene, OR:
- The average number of tornadoes per year: 3
- The most common natural disaster: Fire
- The number of claims paid in 2016: 361,213,000
- The number of federally declared catastrophes since 1953: 119
Fire, theft, and natural disasters are some of the perils your homeowners policy needs to insure. Contact your local agent to see how your coverage is set up.
Common Property Claims in Eugene, OR:
#1 - Floods
#2 - Storms
#3 - Winter storms
#4 - Winds
#5 - Landslides
Flood insurance and your Eugene, OR, property:
Your homeowners policy excludes flood damage. That means when you have a water claim associated with flooding, your home policy won't respond. The best way to be proactive is to speak with your agent on flood insurance. Take a look at four easy steps to getting a flood quote:
1. Connect with a Eugene, OR, independent agent.
2. Determine your property's flood zone with your independent agent.
3. Quote FEMA-approved flood insurance.
4. Purchase the best flood policy option.
When flooding is the number one exposure in town, it may be useful to take note. Connect with your local agent to find coverage for a flood loss.
Liability Insurance Types in Eugene, OR
When you have a home claim that turns into a lawsuit, it's better not to go at it alone. That's why the majority of home insurance policies have liability coverage as their primary defense. Most claims will fall under the liability portion of your policy. Your homeowners liability insurance will cover the following:
- Injury to another person
- Slander or bullying caused by a household member
- A household pet bite causing harm to another person or property
- Damage to another party's property
When your primary home policy's limits are not enough to cover a large claim, umbrella insurance can apply. Umbrella insurance will give additional coverage of liability that kicks in when your primary policy limits are exhausted. Call your local independent agent to discuss coverage options.
What It Costs to Insure Your Eugene, OR, Home
If you're stuck in the comparison game, it's essential to know that not all policies are the same. Every home insurance policy is individualized to the owner and property. This makes comparing an inaccurate measure. Take a look at home insurance rating factors used by the carriers:
- Local crime
- Your loss history
- Coverage selected
- Year, construction type, and square footage of your home
- The replacement cost of your home
- Your credit score
- Discounts that may apply
Even though comparing may not do you any good when it comes to rates, knowing the averages will help. Take a peek at homeowners premiums on average:
- National average: $1,211
- Oregon average: $677
You can't get any less expensive than home insurance in Oregon. This means that Eugene probably has some pretty low rates too. The only way to know your exact costs is to have your independent agent quote your home insurance.
How to Insure a Rental Property in Eugene, OR
When you own a long-term or short-term rental, you'll want a policy that protects your property. Like your primary home policy, rental insurance will give you most of the same coverage with some add-ons.
Home insurance policy types:
- Landlord insurance: Whether it's an Airbnb or a twelve-month lease, you'll want coverage for your interests as well as the structure. A landlord policy will provide this insurance.
- Secondary or seasonal home insurance: Coverage for your vacation home that is vacant for part of the year is essential. The carriers will provide insurance for the structure, belongings, and theft.
Speak with your independent insurance agent on your rental property and get the coverage you need.
An Independent Insurance Agent in Eugene, OR
To have the right homeowners policy, you need a knowledgeable independent insurance agent. They have access to multiple carriers, giving you the best options for your coverage.
If you're looking to save money, an independent agent can compare pricing, so you get a good deal. Connect with a local independent agent on today.