Providence Homeowners Insurance
Find the right homeowners insurance policy for you.

Providence is the largest city in Rhode Island, by population. At one time famous for its jewelry and silverware, today its industry is based on services. The city occupies quite a small geographic area and, like Rome, is built on seven hills. The Providence River runs through the center of the city. Whether you live in the historic district, or near the riverbanks, Providence RI homeowners insurance can protect your investment.
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Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Rhode Island:
- National yearly premium average: $1,034
- Rhode Island yearly premium average: $1,233
Number of Thefts in Rhode Island:
- National number for burglaries: 37,814
- Rhode Island number of burglaries: 5,607
Number of Catastrophes in Rhode Island and the US
- National number of catastrophes: 19,033
- Number of catastrophes in Rhode Island: 23
- National number of tornadoes: 1,233
- Number of tornadoes in Rhode Island: 0
- National property damage from weather: $5,511,270,000
- Property damage from weather in Rhode Island: $160,000
Rhode Island is by no means the worst state to live in for home insurance. It has not been subject to great natural disasters and its burglary rate is much lower than national average. Nevertheless its average premium is 20 percent higher than the national average. So there is still room to reduce your outlay and get more for your money by shopping around.
It Pays to Shop Around When You Renew
Like most things in life, Providence homeowners insurance is not quite as simple as it once was, and an experienced specialist can save you a lot of time and give you access to much wider markets.
Home insurance is the sort of topic that most of us don’t give much time to; we often just go with what comes along or renew what we did last year. This is usually not a good idea for many reasons. Firstly, insurance companies and policies change, and you might not be getting the same coverage or the best deal a carrier can offer if you simply renew. If you have been repeatedly renewing a policy for years, think how the value of your property and contents might have changed in that period. Are you still properly covered?
Home Insurance Policies Vary Widely
There are lots of factors that affect Providence home insurance quotes. Your ZIP code, the type and value of your house are obvious ones. Less obvious are potential hazards around where you live, excess of dry brush which might catch fire, for example, or security measures that make it more difficult for your house to be burglarized.
Providence homeowners insurance might seem expensive in some cases, but consider the alternative. Could you afford to replace your property if it burned down or even pay for substantial repairs? And what about the contents? They are irreplaceable sentimentally, but imagine trying just to replace all the functional stuff in one go.
Liability for injury caused by your property can also lead to legal, medical and possible compensation costs which can swiftly rise to significant figures. Dealing with any of this in the aftermath of a personal disaster would be bad enough, never mind all of it.
Homeowners insurance provides financial protection against covered disasters, like fire, strong winds, hail, and break-ins. It usually covers the following:
- The structure of your home, garage, and other buildings on your property.
- The contents of your home, such as clothing, electronics, furniture, and appliances.
- Medical payments for accidents that occur on the property.
- Liability for bodily injury or property damage claims, for incidents which befall guests or intruders in your home, such as slips and falls, or trampoline accidents, or dog bites.
Homeowners insurance does not cover flooding, such as that caused by hurricanes, storm surge, or river overflow. For flood coverage, it would be wise to purchase a flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program. Other catastrophic disasters like forest fires and earthquakes usually require special coverage also.
Get the Right Policy the First Time
Trusted Choice® offers knowledgeable agents, who know their way around your area and the insurance business. They have the right experience to know where to get favorable Providence homeowners insurance quotes, based on the information you provide. Plus, they can advise on special coverage like second or vacation homes, or using your main house as a place of work. Talk to a local agent today to get the Providence homeowners insurance you need today.