Anderson Homeowners Insurance
(Everything you need to know - and more)

Sometimes called The Friendliest City in South Carolina, Anderson is home to about 26,000 people. Whether you are attracted to this city for its schools, its historical district, or its many available manufacturing jobs, if you own a house in Anderson, you will want to be sure to protect it with a comprehensive homeowners insurance policy.
Independent insurance agents in Anderson can help you find a competitively priced home insurance policy. Find an insurance agent near you to get more information and to start reviewing customized quotes.
How Much Does Homeowners Insurance Cost in Anderson, SC?
To get an idea of how much a policy will cost you, let’s look at some averages:
- National average yearly premium: $1,211
- South Carolina average yearly premium: $1,269
- Anderson, SC average yearly premium: $1,140
The average homeowners insurance rate in South Carolina is higher than the national average. But in Anderson, the rate is slightly lower. Of course, your quoted costs can vary from these figures, because home insurance rates are based on several factors such as:
- The age, size and value,of your house
- The number of stories your house has and whether it has a basement
- The crime rate and common weather hazards in your ZIP code
- How much coverage you are purchasing
- Your claims history and credit score
- The amount of your deductible
If you bundle your home insurance with other policies such as car insurance or business insurance, you can often get all of your policies at discounted rates. An independent agent in Anderson can help you find the right home insurance policy to meet your coverage and budgetary needs.
Anderson Homeowners Insurance Covers Your Property
Homeowners insurance is designed to cover loss or damage to the structure of your home (dwelling coverage) as well as to the personal property inside it (contents coverage).
You will want to be sure that your coverage limits are high enough to allow you to rebuild, repair, or replace damaged property if your home is impacted by a damaging event like a fire, tornado or severe storm.
Catastrophic Events in South Carolina
- Number of federally declared disasters in South Carolina: 38
- Most common reasons for disasters in the state: Hurricanes
- Average number of tornadoes per year in South Carolina: 27
- Average amount of property damage per year in SC: $891.8 million
- 1 in 15 insured homes has a claim each year.
Be aware that while home insurance covers most natural disasters, it does not cover floods. Property owners near Cox Creek, Hembree Creek and Whitner Creek are most at risk, but when hurricanes and tropical storms bring prolonged heavy rains to the area, flash flooding can happen anywhere. Fortunately, a local independent agent can help you secure coverage against this risk with an affordable flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Talk to your insurance agent to learn more.
Homeowners in Anderson Need Liability Insurance
Homeowners insurance does more than just cover your property. It also provides you with a significant amount of personal liability insurance. Homeowners liability coverage is designed to absorb expenses like court costs, legal fees, and damages that are associated with covered liability lawsuits.
Samples of times that you may need to use your homeowners liability insurance include if:
- A visitor to your home suffers a serious head injury when a section of your deck collapses.
- You accidentally injure a friend while goofing around at Carolina Wren Park and your friend, who is uninsured, needs to undergo surgery and months of physical therapy.
- Your child leaves the gate open and your dog gets loose and bites a neighbor.
- An area business takes issue with a scathing review you posted online and threatens to sue you for libel.
Your local insurance agent can explain this coverage in greater detail. If you have a lot to lose and want to have even more liability coverage than your home insurance company can provide, your agent can help you secure an affordable umbrella insurance policy as well.
Homeowners Insurance Covers against Property Crimes in Anderson
The burglary rate in South Carolina is higher than the national average. And in Anderson, the risk is even higher. This city averages about 400 reported burglaries a year.
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in the US: 3.76
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in South Carolina: 5.80
- Number of burglaries per 1,000 homes in Anderson, SC: 16.47
To protect their property, some Anderson residents have installed home security systems in their houses. Of the many preventive measures you can take to lower your risk of being targeted by burglars, these alarms are among the most effective. That is why many insurance companies offer discounts to policyholders who use them.
If your house is broken into, you may find it comforting to know that your homeowners insurance can provide compensation for your losses. Your local insurance agent can help you review your policy’s contents coverage to ensure that your most valuable belongings are appropriately covered.
What about Insurance for Second Homes and Vacation Homes?
If you are among the Anderson residents who own more than one house, your extra property is likely to have additional risk factors that insurance companies will take into consideration when they calculate your rates. Depending on certain details about your second home, you may be required to purchase specialized home insurance coverage.
If you own a house nearby that you rent out to young families, your liability and property damage risks will be higher than they are for your primary residence. That is why second homes that are used as rentals need to be covered by landlord insurance. Or maybe you own a vacation house closer to the coast. If the house is left vacant and unattended for several months out of the year, your insurance company is likely to require you to carry vacant home insurance during the times that the property is unoccupied.
A local insurance agent can help you review the coverage needs of your secondary properties and can help you find the best home insurance coverage for all of them.
Why Work with an Independent Insurance Agent in Anderson, SC?
Independent insurance agents are available to assist you with all of your insurance coverage needs. You can turn to one of these local agents when you are looking for answers to your insurance-related questions, need the advice of a trusted professional, or just want help finding the best and most affordable homeowners insurance policy for your Anderson home.
Contact an insurance agent with an office in Anderson to learn more. You will soon discover how easy it can be to compare customized, competitively priced home insurance quotes from a variety of highly-rated insurance companies.