Tennessee Life Insurance
Find the right life insurance policy for you.

Residents of Tennessee understand the importance of family values and caring for those who depend on them. Unfortunately, one in three Americans feels the need for more life insurance; and in Tennessee, these numbers may be even higher. Life insurance is an important way to care for the ones you may leave behind. If you have loved ones who rely on you for care or financial stability, you owe it to yourself and to them to start reviewing life insurance policies and quotes as soon as possible.
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Life Expectancy Rates in the U.S. and Tennessee
- Overall
- United States: 78.9
- Tennessee: 76.7
- Caucasians
- United States: 78.9
- Tennessee: 76.7
- African-Americans
- United States: 74.6
- Tennessee: 72.9
- Asian-Americans
- United States: 86.5
- Tennessee: 84.2
Although life expectancy rates in Tennessee are lower than the national averages, residents of this state are still statistically more likely to live well into their golden years. However, there are no guarantees in life, and accidents and unexpected ailments can sometimes strike during the prime of life. If you have loved ones who depend on you, it is very important that you think about their financial welfare in the event of your untimely demise.
It Is Never Too Early To Start Thinking About Life Insurance
If you die prematurely due to an illness or accident, a suitable life insurance policy can ensure comfort and financial safety for your family so that they can continue to maintain their standard of living, both immediately after your death and well into the future. If you are a TN resident who is young and healthy, you probably do not see yourself as having a pressing need for life insurance; however, it is during this time in your life that you can purchase a policy at the most affordable rate. If you wait until you are older or until you have a serious disease, you may find that a good policy is simply unaffordable. When it comes to life insurance coverage, procrastination is never a good idea.
Leading Causes of Death in Tennessee
- Heart disease: 14,582 deaths; ranks sixth in the nation
- Cancer: 13,593 deaths; ranks fifth in the nation
- Chronic lower respiratory disease: 3,551 deaths; ranks ninth in the nation
- Unintentional injuries: 3,539 deaths; ranks eighth in the nation
- Stroke: 3,205 deaths; ranks fifth in the nation
- Alzheimer’s disease: 2,440 deaths; ranks second in the nation
It is also worth noting that Tennessee ranks third in the nation for premature deaths caused by influenza and pneumonia. You may want to consider getting the flu or pneumonia inoculation once a year if you do not do so already.
Residents of Tennessee Have Different Life Insurance Options
For many people who are considering life insurance for the first time, the decision about what type of policy to purchase can be a difficult one. Residents of Tennessee can choose to purchase either term or permanent insurance. Even so, within those two major policy types, there are still other hybrid-type policies. Some people swear by term insurance, while others tout permanent policies as the best choice. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to which type is best for you.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Term Life Insurance?
Term policies provide you with coverage for a given number of years, referred to as a term. Term policies typically last for anywhere from 5 to 30 years, but insurance companies can be flexible with regard to the term. Once the term is up, the policy expires and ceases to be.
- Pros: Term policies are much less expensive than their permanent policy counterparts are. These policies enable you to purchase a large amount of reasonably priced coverage that will be available to your beneficiaries during the years that they need it most. For example, first-time homebuyers may take out a 30-year term policy to coincide with their mortgage, and new parents may take out a 25-year term policy in the hopes that once the policy expires, their children will be financially self-sufficient.
- Cons: The most obvious drawback is that these policies do expire. Once the term is up, if you still feel that you need life insurance, you will pay significantly more for a new policy. Also, this type of policy carries no cash value. This means that if you close your account or the term expires while you are still alive, you will not collect anything on the money you have invested in it.
What are the Pros and Cons of Permanent Life Insurance?
Permanent policies, which include whole life and universal life insurance, do not expire. They stay in effect for as long as you continue to make payments on your premiums. You will do best to purchase a permanent policy while you are young so that you can lock in low rates and retain those rates for the rest of your life.
- Pros: These policies can serve as an investment vehicle because they accumulate a cash value over time. You can withdraw or borrow money against the policy any time if needs dictate. You also have the advantage of owning a policy that will not expire or go up in price, even if you subsequently contract a life-threatening illness.
- Cons: These policies are significantly more expensive than term policies, so purchasing a policy that is large enough to, say, provide for your children well into the future, may be cost-prohibitive.
Is Life Insurance Expensive in Tennessee?
Life insurance companies base their rate calculations on several different factors. When you call your agent to request quotes, you may get approximate rate quotes based on your age and the size and type of policy you want to buy, but many companies will not give you an actual, final rate until after you have completed a health history questionnaire and have passed a physical examination that includes blood tests. A number of factors go into calculating life insurance rates, but the four most influential factors are the following:
- Your age at the time you purchase the policy
- Your height-to-weight ratio
- Your health history and the health histories of your immediate family members
- Whether you smoke or use nicotine products
Tobacco users get much higher rate quotes than non-users because smokers compromise their health and longevity by smoking. Blood work can detect nicotine in your system, and an early smoking-related death can nullify your policy if you are listed as a non-smoker, so do not lie when asked whether you use tobacco products.
Compare Life Insurance Quotes in Tennessee
You may find it perplexing when you are trying to decide how much coverage you need or what type of life insurance policy is best for you and your family. In that case, you can benefit from working with a knowledgeable, independent insurance agent in our network. These agents, many of whom are located throughout Tennessee, can answer your insurance-related questions and can provide you with a selection of policies and quotes for your review.
For more information, contact an agent in Tennessee so you can start comparing life insurance policies and quotes.