Information Industry Insurance
(Getting the right protection has never been easier)

We are living in the information age. The companies that run the global information economy are abundant and have a far-reaching scope of customers. These companies provide global access to information through a number of sources such as books, television, the Internet and data-houses.
The information industry is a unique one in that the products it produces and sells are frequently intangible, it often does not require direct contact between suppliers and consumers, and most of its products are protected from unlawful reproduction through copyright laws.
If you own a business within the industry sector, your insurance coverage needs will also be unique. That is why it is important to protect your company with a commercial insurance policy specifically designed for the information industry sector.
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Types of Businesses Categorized Within the NAICS’s Information Sector
The National American Industry Classification System classifies all U.S. businesses into various sectors and subsectors according to what they specialize in. Economists can then use these classifications to collect, analyze and report on financial data for various industries.
There are currently 342,255 American business establishments classified as falling into the NAICS’s information industry sector. These include the following kinds of companies:
- Publishers, including:
- Periodical publishers
- Book publishers
- Directory and mailing list publishers
- Greeting card publishers
- Software publishers
- Music publishers
- Production and Distribution Companies, including
- Motion picture and video production
- Motion picture and video distribution
- Record production
- Integrated record production and distribution
- Teleproduction and other post-production services
- Motion Picture Theaters
- Sound Recording Studios
- Radio Stations and Radio Networks
- Television Broadcasting
- Cable and Other Subscription Programming
- Telecommunications, including:
- Wired telecommunications
- Wireless telecommunications
- Satellite telecommunications
- Telecommunication resellers
- Data Processing, Hosting and Related Services
- News Syndicates
- Libraries and Archives
- Internet Publishing, Broadcasting and Web-Search Portals
Comprehensive Insurance for the Information Industry is Essential
Whenever you produce, distribute or manage intellectual property, you run the risk of data breaches, copyright infringement and liability lawsuits. Also, if your distribution channels are temporarily disabled due to a natural or man-made disaster, you stand to lose large amounts of potential income.
For these and many other reasons, it is important that your business is protected by a business insurance policy that has been built specifically to meet its coverage needs.
Business insurance policies for the information industry will offer coverage options that are designed to mitigate the hazards faced by companies in this sector. Some types of coverage you may find particularly beneficial to your business include the following:
- Property insurance: In addition to acquiring coverage for your office furnishings and computer systems, you may need to purchase additional riders to cover such things as telecommunications infrastructure, equipment, machinery and other business-critical assets.
- Data technology corruption and cyber attack coverage: If you store customer credit card information or collect data of a personal nature such as for medical facilities, marketing houses or other information-driven companies, you may be sued and penalized if that data is breached by hackers. It is important to keep all data protected to the best of your ability and have the proper coverage if cyber criminals get ahead of your efforts.
- Media liability insurance: If you publish or produce work that violates another person’s copyright, that slanders or defames the character of a third-party or in any other way can lead to a liability lawsuit, this coverage will be necessary to handle your court costs, legal defense fees and any fines or judgments that may be imposed against your company.
As with any type of commercial insurance policy, there are a number of additional coverage choices available to you. You need to only purchase coverage that is relevant to your particular information industry company.
It is always in your best interest to work with an insurance professional who can provide you with guidance and advice about your business insurance coverage.
Independent Agents Can Help You Find the Right Information Industry Insurance
Building a suitable business insurance policy for your information industry company can be complicated and time consuming. Independent insurance agents in our network can make the process easy while saving you both time and money.
Because they are independent agents, they can work with a variety of insurance providers to build the perfect policy for your business while keeping all your insurance solutions under one roof.
Contact an independent agent with an office near you to learn more and to start comparing quotes for insurance for the information industry.