Aircraft Hangar Insurance
(And how you can get started today)

Whether you need to store your own personal aircraft or you work as a fixed base operator (FBO), if you own an airplane hangar, you will need to be sure to insure it and protect your finances by purchasing the right kinds of insurance coverage.
An independent insurance agent in our network can help you find and compare policies from a number of providers so that you can build an aircraft hangar insurance portfolio that is both comprehensive and competitively priced.
- The word “hangar” derives from the Middle French word “hanghart,” which means “enclosure near a house.”
- Many Navy aircraft carriers are equipped with hangars that are used for storage and maintenance.
- Some hangars are so large that clouds can form inside them.
Why Is Aircraft Hangar Insurance Important?
It is important that owners of airplane hangars purchase insurance coverage that meets their very specific needs. FBOs who offer fueling, de-icing, parking, storage and other aircraft services have very different insurance needs than do hangar owners who use them solely to store their privately owned planes, tools and maintenance gear.
Most airplane hangars cost between $10,000 and $40,000, and the larger ones often used by FBOs are usually even more costly. Additionally, the tools and gear kept inside these hangars can be quite expensive.
By protecting your investment with a sound airplane hangar insurance portfolio, you obtain peace of mind so that you can focus on the skies.
What Is Hangar Keepers Insurance?
Hangar keepers insurance is a specialized type of liability coverage created for owners of airplane hangars who allow third-parties to keep their planes in their care. For example, an FBO who offers parking and storage services to clients faces liability risks if a client’s airplane is damaged while it is being kept in his hangar.
Hangar keepers insurance provides coverage for others’ property while it is in your care, custody or control for purposes of storage, repair or safekeeping.
In the event of a liability lawsuit related to damage to airplanes in your care, your hangar keepers insurance policy provides coverage for damage, court costs, legal fees and other related financial losses.
What Else Might You Include in Your Airplane Hangar Insurance Portfolio?
When building your airplane hangar insurance portfolio, you have the option to supplement your hangar keepers insurance with a number of different kinds of policies.
The types that are right for you are dependent on how you use your hangar. Some coverage types that your independent insurance agent may recommend include the following:
- Hangar structure insurance: Hangars, with their lightweight construction, are vulnerable buildings. They are particularly susceptible to wind damage, so it is important that you have good property insurance to cover damage to the structure. For hangar owners in Florida and those along the Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard, it may be difficult or impossible to acquire a hangar structure insurance policy because of the potential for hurricanes and tropical storms. In this case, you will therefore need to supplement your portfolio with windstorm insurance.
- Business property insurance: This covers the property you keep inside your hangar, such as tools and machinery. Bear in mind, however, that this insurance does not cover your airplane or vehicle if it is damaged while in your hangar. You can obtain coverage for your airplane while it is in the hangar by adding ground risk hull not in motion coverage to your airplane insurance, and you can cover your vehicles by adding comprehensive coverage to your auto policies.
- General liability insurance: A general liability insurance policy provides coverage if a third-party is injured or suffers property damage while in your airplane hangar. This coverage is part of your commercial insurance policy if you use your hangar as part of an FBO service business.
- Auto liability insurance: If you have an FBO that provides shuttle services or if you otherwise have an automobile related to your hangar, you will want to be sure that you have a sufficient auto insurance policy as part of your aircraft hangar insurance portfolio.
- Pollution liability insurance: If you keep fuel or other combustibles in your airplane hangar, you run the risk of an accident in which chemicals pollute the air, ground or groundwater. In this case, you need pollution liability insurance to cover the damage and cleanup costs.
- Necessary extra expense insurance: This provides coverage if a covered event damages your hangar and you must rent another space for your plane while repairs are made.
- Loss of revenue insurance: Whether you run an FBO business or depend on your hangar to provide income, adding this coverage can provide a temporary continuation of income if your hangar is damaged by a covered event.
Not all of these insurance types are right for all hangar owners, so it is important that you discuss your particular situation with an experienced insurance agent who can help you determine and find the aircraft hangar insurance coverage you need.
Get Help Building a Strong Aircraft Hangar Insurance Portfolio
After you purchase an airplane hangar, be sure the speak with someone who is knowledgeable about insuring it. Independent agents in our network can help.
An experienced agent can help you understand your various coverage options and can work with you to determine the right amounts of coverage to adequately protect your financial interests.
These agents can then shop around for coverage and can assist you as you compare offerings from a variety of insurance providers who offer this specialized coverage.
Contact an independent agent near you to start comparing quotes for airplane hangar insurance.