Sea-Doo Insurance
(Finding the right PWC coverage)

It has been over twenty-five years since Bombardier first introduced the Sea-Doo to the market. This personal watercraft was well received by water sports enthusiasts for its pioneering design, and to this day Sea-Doo remains the only PWC with an on-water braking system.
If you have discovered the joys of owning a Sea-Doo, you may have questions about insurance coverage for your investment. Independent agents in our network can provide you with answers. These agents have the ability to compare insurance quotes and will help you find coverage that is right for you.
Find an agent today to get more information and quotes for Sea-Doo insurance.
Consider Some Stats on the Sea-Doo
- Sea-Doo sales have almost doubled in the past seven years
- The cost of a new Sea-Doo can range from $8,000 to $20,000
- On flat water, some Sea-Doo models can exceed 65 miles per hour
These statistics and many others are used by insurance companies when they draw up plans and charge premiums for Sea-Doo insurance.
This information might also raise a few flags in your mind about traffic on the water, potential cost of damage or replacement, and the risks you face when you take your Sea-Doo out on the waves.
Invest in Sea-Doo Insurance for Safety’s Sake
Insurance for personal watercrafts, including Sea-Doos, is not required by law in the United States. The only time you may be obligated to carry this insurance coverage is if you have financed your Sea-Doo and your lender requires a comprehensive insurance policy for the life of the loan.
Though Sea-Doo insurance is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended by most insurance professionals. The potential for property damage and bodily injury liability is high with these adventurous machines.
You have likely already invested thousands of dollars in your Sea-Doo, so it is important to protect your investment in the event of theft or damage. You also want to be sure to protect yourself financially in the event that you cause injury to another person while operating your Sea-Doo.
Collision and comprehensive coverage will pay for your vehicle losses, while the liability portion of an insurance policy can help you pay for everything from hospital stays, lost wages, and funeral costs, and even your legal defense in the event that you cause harm to another person or watercraft and wind up in court.
It is possible to receive some coverage by adding your Sea-Doo to your homeowners insurance policy, but be aware that this coverage is often extremely limited. For many people, coverage through a Sea-Doo insurance policy is the best option.
Understand What Your Sea-Doo Insurance Covers
Sea-Doo insurance is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of watercraft owners. As with any type of insurance, the details of the coverage can vary from one provider to the next.
You can expect your policy to cover your Sea-Doo for physical damage and theft. It's strongly recommended that you also carry liability coverage.
There are several other coverage options typically available. For example, many insurance providers will also provide the following:
- Roadside assistance and towing of your Sea-Doo to a repair facility
- Coverage for the trailer you use to transport your Sea-Doo
- Reimbursement for costs associated with wreckage removal and fuel spill clean up
- Insurance to cover damage if you are hit by an uninsured boater
- Personal property replacement costs
Sea-Doo insurance will typically not provide coverage for damage caused by normal wear-and-tear, upgrades to your Sea-Doo or personal items unrelated to your watercraft.
If you are planning to take your Sea-Doo outside the U.S., you may want to make sure that your policy will offer coverage while riding in foreign waters.
How Much is Sea-Doo Insurance?
The cost of insuring your Sea-Doo can vary greatly, so shopping around is a good idea. Several factors can influence your insurance costs including, but not limited to, the coverage options you select, the safety history of your Sea-Doo model and how and where you store your watercraft when not in use.
On average, you can expect this insurance to cost as little as $1 a day, which is a small price to pay for the peace-of-mind it can provide.
Operate Your Sea-Doo Safely
In many states, you are not permitted to operate your Sea-Doo without first taking a safety course. While some states limit this requirement to riders under a certain age, others mandate it for everyone. Be certain to research the laws in your state and any others where you plan to ride.
These safety courses are usually free and are recommended for all Sea-Doo operators. Many insurance companies offer discounts to policy holders who are safety certified.
Below are some safety tips that can prevent injuries while riding a Sea-Doo:
- Follow all posted rules and regulations and stay away from restricted areas.
- Wear proper gear, including a personal floatation device, snug-fitting clothing, and eye protection, and require other riders to do the same.
- Securely attach the engine shut-off lanyard to your wrist and wear it at all times.
- Be aware of the location of other people and watercraft around you.
- Avoid speeding and riding recklessly.
- Do not ride at night or any time visibility is limited, such as in fog.
- Know your Sea-Doo’s capacity limits and do not overload it with gear or passengers.
- Do not operate your watercraft under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Find the Policy for Your Needs
There are many different insurance companies to choose from, and each will offer varying degrees of coverage. An independent agent can provide you with the benefit of one-stop shopping by presenting and explaining your many options.
Additionally, should you ever need to file a claim, your agent will advocate for you throughout the claims process.
Get to know the advantages of working with an agent. With more than 27,000 locations nationwide, it is easy to find a representative close to you who can help you find the best policy at a rate you can afford.
Contact an independent agent today for more information and an obligation-free quote for Sea-Doo insurance coverage.