Paintball Insurance: Facilities and Fields
Here's how you can easily find the right coverage for your business.

Paintball has captured the attention of enthusiasts all over the country. Since the first organized paintball game in New Hampshire in 1981, the sport's growth today has reached the level of professional play with 30 teams competing in the U.S. alone.
The game is played indoors and out, depending on local weather conditions and the time of year. Like all sports, of course, paintball comes with the risk of injury. If you operate a paintball facility, you will need good paintball insurance to protect your company against liability risks.
To learn more about this coverage and paintball insurance cost details, get in touch with a local independent insurance agent in our network. Unlike "captive" agents who work for one insurance company only, these independent professionals work with many insurance companies and can present a variety of quotes for you to compare.
Paintball Injury Statistics
While paintball is generally considered to be among the safest team or active game sports, injuries do occur despite the development of newer and safer paintball guns and updated regulations.
- Over 10 million Americans participate in paintball activities each year.
- The injury rate for paintball participants is estimated to be about 45 per 100,000 participants annually.
- In 2008, there were 614 paintball-related emergency room visits and 12% of those required hospitalization.
Ways to Prevent Paintball Injuries
While paintball injuries are rare relative to many other participant sports, virtually every sports activity carries some measure of risk. The best way to minimize those is to ensure that all players wear protective face masks at all times.
Even though the "paint" that is enclosed within the ammunition or ball is non-toxic, it travels at high speeds, and eye injuries can be permanent.
Some critical safety measures include:
- Maintain a zero-tolerance policy for removing headgear; inform participants that violators will be subject to expulsion on either a temporary or even permanent basis.
- Be sure your paintball facility has up-to-date equipment. Paintball guns in use today are far more sophisticated and safe than the original versions from the 80s and 90s.
- Anyone playing with an older gun should get professional advice to ensure the valve that attaches the compressed air cylinder has been updated.
You can get additional information about what your company must do to comply with paintball insurance requirements from your nearby agent.
What Specific Paintball Insurance Do I Need?
Your paintball facility has a legal responsibility to ensure that you provide a safe environment and safe equipment. Even so, if a player is injured within your facility, you may be held responsible. For this reason, you will need good paintball insurance.
Coverage you may need for your paintball facility includes:
- General liability: This policy will cover your legal liability regarding bodily injury and property damage.
- Property insurance: If you have a paintball facility or field, this policy will cover damage to your business property.
- Product liability: If you sell paintball equipment and supplies out of your business, this coverage can provide protection in the event that anyone is injured or becomes ill as a result of using those products.
- Premises liability: This coverage can provide important protection specifically if legal issues arise due to injuries on your business premises.
- Umbrella liability: A business umbrella policy can provide excellent "excess liability" protection that can help your business manage legal costs in the event of a catastrophic injury or fatality and a resulting lawsuit.
- Business interruption: This coverage provides compensation in the event that you must cease operations due to a covered incident. For example, if your facility is destroyed by fire, this coverage will help you to continue paying bills during repairs.
- Workers compensation: Depending on how many employees staff your facility or field, and the requirements in your state, you may be required to carry workers' comp.
Work closely with an independent insurance agent who can identify your specific risks and coverage needs and customize a policy for your business.
How to Find Paintball Insurance Cost Information
If you operate a paintball facility or have recently added paintball as an activity at your business, it is important to confirm that you carry adequate paintball insurance to protect your company and your livelihood.
All it takes is one random player who decides it is too hot to wear protective gear. We all know by now that your good intentions will not help you much if an injured party decides to file a lawsuit.
What can help is a well-designed business insurance plan that provides complete coverage at rates you can afford.
One solution is to reach out to an independent insurance agent who can research many companies and provide you with multiple quotes to compare. Find one now to confirm that your protection is up to date.