Acupuncture Insurance

The ancient practice of acupuncture involves a trained acupuncturist inserting needles into certain pressure points, depending on what ails the patient. While you’re responsible for caring for your patients, you also have a responsibility to protect yourself. Whether you work for a spa or work for yourself, make sure you’re covered with acupuncture insurance.
If you need to find acupuncture malpractice insurance, contact an independent agent in the Trusted Choice® network. Your independent agent can easily locate acupuncturists insurance designed to mitigate your individual risks. Independent agents can compare various policies and quotes to ensure that you find the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Find an agent in your area today to get started.
Facts About Acupuncture
- Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine and has been practiced for over 5,000 years.
- Original acupuncture needles were made out of bamboo, stone, and bone.
- Modern needles are stainless steel and single use.
- Acupuncture pressure points are unique to individuals.
- To obtain licensing, acupuncturists must attend a four year program and obtain thousands of clinical hours.
Do I Need Acupuncture Insurance?
While the practice of acupuncture focuses on healing powers, don’t lose sight of the fact that accidents happen. As a professional who provides services to the public, you hold a greater liability risk, especially working with sharp items.
Your patient could shift unexpectedly or even fall off the table. If you’re accused of negligence, you could find yourself in court. Have the right acupuncture insurance coverage will not only protect your personal financial assets, but also protect your reputation. Acupuncture insurance is designed to deal with your personal business risks.
The Importance of Acupuncture Malpractice Insurance
Malpractice insurance for health professionals is a type of professional liability coverage that protects you against the liability risks involved in the work you do. If your client claims that you exercised negligence during a treatment that later caused harm, you can face an expensive lawsuit. Even if you’re cleared of all charges, legal defense is costly. Without insurance, expenses from a lawsuit must come out of your own pocket.
Although your employer may have acupuncture malpractice insurance, there are limits to all policies. If a lawsuit is brought against you specifically, the company may decline coverage if there is a conflict of interest. At that point, you’re left to pay for defense and settlement fees on your own. Even if your employer’s coverage protects you, it may only provide a limited amount of money.
Whether you work alone or with a group, it’s important to have personal acupuncture insurance. It increases your options and gives you peace of mind, which can free you to better tune in to your client’s needs.
Additional Acupuncture Liability Insurance to Consider
When building your professional insurance coverage, start with general liability insurance. This is a basic form of insurance that every practicing acupuncturist and business needs. It will protect you from a variety of threats, including lawsuits and accidents. There are several types of general liability that could be advantageous to your practice, including:
- Products liability: If your products cause pain or irritation, you could be held responsible for the medical treatment expenses. For example, if your patient has sensitive skin and you apply an ointment that causes a rash, you might have to pay the doctor bill.
- Premises liability: This coverage provides protection whether you visit the patient or the patient comes to you. If the patient’s property is damaged or a patient sustains bodily injuries in either situation, this coverage will provide compensation for replacements, medical costs, and legal fees.
Other Forms of Business Insurance
It can be advantageous to bundle insurance policies to save money. When you speak to an independent agent about acupuncture liability insurance, you may also want to ask about:
- Business owner’s policy: This is a policy that combines different forms of coverage, including property coverage and general liability protection. You can add additional endorsements to this policy for added coverage.
- Commercial vehicle insurance: This is essential especially if you make home visits. If you get into an accident while using your personal vehicle for business use, damages likely won’t be covered by your personal auto insurance. A commercial vehicle policy can be tailored to your driving habits.
- Workers compensation: Depending on whether you have employees and the state in which you practice, this coverage may be a requirement. If an employee is injured, this coverage helps pay for medical expenses and lost income while reducing your chances of being sued.