Cosmetologist Insurance
You make the world a beautiful place, and we’ll help you find the right insurance for it.

Paul Martin is the Director of Education and Development for Myron Steves, one of the largest, most respected insurance wholesalers in the southern U.S.

The everyday cosmetologist can wear all sorts of different hats — sometimes all in the same day, too. Of course, the more trades you dabble in, the more you open yourself up to risks. And for that, you need the right insurance coverage.
Whether you work door-to-door or at a salon or spa, it’s essential to have the right insurance coverage to protect your personal assets and reputation.
Our independent insurance agents are able to find the unique coverage that your work both needs and deserves. But first, let’s talk about the risks and coverages you’ll need to consider in your policy.
Why Do I Need Cosmetologist Insurance?
Your job is to help clients look their best, no matter how bad their choices are. But when you become a professional cosmetologist, there’s a process that you need to follow to ensure that you’re protected.
The first part of that process is obtaining the necessary training and licensing so you can legally practice your craft. The second part is obtaining cosmetology liability insurance. It may even be required in your state.
Without insurance, you’re stuck paying for third-party bodily injuries, property damage, legal defense, and court ordered settlements out of your own pocket.
You could be out of work after an expensive court case, even if you were cleared of any wrongdoing. Cosmetologist insurance is the best way to protect your personal assets and the future of your career.
Cosmetologist insurance is the best way to protect your personal assets and the future of your career.
Start with Cosmetologist Liability Insurance
There are two types of liability insurance that professional cosmetologists should consider:
General liability: This covers physical accidents like slips and falls or property damage. For example: if a client’s child gets injured while you’re working on her makeover, you could be held liable for the medical costs. If you have insurance, your client would simply need to make a claim with your insurance company.
This coverage also protects you in case a client’s property is damaged. For example: you may make a house call for a client’s special event. If your hairdryer causes a small fire in the bathroom sink or a product spills on sensitive hardwood floors, your insurance can cover the damage.
Professional liability: This is similar to malpractice insurance carried by doctors and nurses. If someone claims your services caused them serious bodily injury or emotional harm, your cosmetology dreams could be ruined. Medical expenses are costly, but with the right coverage, you can minimize the damage with help up to your policy limits.
If an injured party makes a claim with your insurance company and decides that it’s not enough to cover the injury, your liability insurance will help you if you’re sued. Your insurance company may appoint a lawyer and cover additional defense fees.
How Much Cosmetology Insurance Do I Need?
While the owner of the salon or spa has professional liability insurance, you may still be required to have your own insurance policy if you're renting space.
If this isn’t required, it’s still a good call to purchase insurance anyway. You have to understand how your policy protects you to make sure you're getting the amount of protection you need.
Liability policies will have an annual aggregate amount, which is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay per year. Average coverage amounts are between $2 and $3 million.
Per occurrence coverage averages at $1 or $2 million. Setting the right coverage depends on how much risk you face and what you can financially handle. In a society filled with lawsuits, $1 million may not go as far as you think.
Finding the Right Coverage for Your Cosmetology Business
If you’re ready to protect your professional future, speak with an independent agent about how much coverage is right for you. Independent insurance agents are pros who are dedicated to their clients and know how to find the right insurance for any profession.
An independent insurance agent will work with you to analyze your risk factors and personalize a cosmetology insurance policy just for you.
The Benefits of an Independent Insurance Agent
Independent insurance agents are kind of like the Google of insurance quotes. You tell them what you’re looking for, and they bring in the results. And since they aren’t tied down to one carrier, they’re free to shop around and bring multiple policy options to the table.
And it gets better, you don’t have to review the policy options alone. They’ll walk you through everything you need to know about finding the right coverage, and price, for you.
But it doesn’t end with your signature. Along the way, if something bad ever happens, they’ll handle the entire claim process for you and deal with the carrier, so you can focus on your clientele.