Snowmobile Liability Insurance
(Here's what you need to know about your coverage)

Today’s snowmobiles can weigh as much as 600 pounds and can reach speeds as high as 90 miles per hour. Injuries from snowmobiling accidents can be severe.
It is important to be covered if you are responsible for a collision that results in property damage or bodily injury. Snowmobile liability insurance can protect your finances in such an event. There are more than 22,000 independent agencies in our network across the U.S., so it is easy to find an agent close to home.
A local member agent in your area can explain snowmobile insurance requirements in your state, and help you find the right coverage for your sled. Find a local independent agent today and learn more about snowmobile liability insurance coverage.
Snowmobile Accident Statistics
You may be aware of the risks you take every time you get on your snowmobile. There are so many factors you cannot control that can lead to an accident or injury when you’re out on trail. Here are some statistics about snowmobile accidents:
- Each year, around 14,000 people in North America are injured while riding snowmobiles
- These injuries result in approximately 200 deaths annually
- The leading causes of snowmobile accidents are excessive speed, alcohol use, lack of experience and poor judgment
Think about your snowmobile usage. Do your children like to drive your snowmobile? Do you frequently cross lakes or waterways on your sled? Accidents happen to the most seasoned drivers and also to those who might be out for the first time. Make sure you’re covered when something unexpected happens.
Is Snowmobile Liability Insurance Mandatory?
Depending on where you live, you may or may not be required to carry snowmobile liability insurance. It is important to check with a knowledgeable insurance agent.
Additionally, make sure you contact your state’s park service for other specific requirements. Some states require trail permits, for example. And some states require your snowmobile to be registered with the state.
Regardless of whether you are required to carry snowmobile liability insurance, having a policy in place is a good idea. This insurance coverage is relatively inexpensive, averaging only about $10 a month, but the coverage it provides can prove invaluable.
Why Would I Need Snowmobile Liability Insurance?
While the majority of snowmobile accidents involve reckless or inexperienced driving, even the most careful sled operators occasionally find themselves at fault in an accident.
Obstacles hidden under the snow, a sudden change in weather that causes reduced visibility, and loss of control when maneuvering on ice are just some examples of factors beyond your control that can cause an accident.
If you are found to be responsible for an injury to a passenger or a rider on another sled, you may find yourself being sued for bodily injury costs and lost wages. When a collision causes damage to another person’s property, you can also be liable for repair costs.
Snowmobile liability insurance is designed to help cover some or all of these costs after an accident, including the cost of legal defense. The amount you receive depends upon the limits you set when you buy your policy.
How Much Liability Coverage Will My Policy Allow?
The amount of liability coverage you can expect from your snowmobile policy varies according to the insurance company you chose and whether or not you have the option to choose your liability coverage limits.
Sometimes, insurance companies will provide liability coverage that has a single liability limit to cover bodily injury for individuals and property damage. Sometimes, insurance companies will provide liability insurance that has three different coverage limits:
- The maximum amount the insurance company will pay for bodily injury per person
- The maximum the company will pay for all bodily injuries involved in an accident
- A cap on how much the company will pay for property damage
For example, New York requires minimum snowmobile liability coverage of 10/20/5.
If a snowmobiler purchases the minimum insurance coverage, the insurance company will pay up to $10,000 in bodily injury coverage for one injured person, a total of $20,000 in bodily injury coverage if the accident involves injuries to more than one person, and up to $5,000 in coverage for personal property damage.
Talk with an independent agent in our network to learn more about what these limits mean and the amount of coverage that makes sense for you.
What if I Am Liable for More Than My Policy Covers?
Your state’s minimum coverage amounts may be sufficient in an accident that does not involve serious injuries or extensive property damage. In the event that the costs exceed your liability coverage, you will be responsible for paying the extra amount out of your own pocket.
To prevent such an occurrence, you can either elect to purchase a policy with higher liability limits or you can consider purchasing a personal umbrella insurance policy.
Umbrella policies provide additional liability coverage when your other policies are insufficient to cover the costs you're responsible for paying. An umbrella liability policy provides a financial safety net in the event that something catastrophic happens.
Get More Information About Snowmobile Liability Coverage
An independent agent in our network can provide more information about your snowmobile liability insurance coverage options, as well as details on umbrella insurance policies to help you determine whether one of these policies is a worthwhile investment.
Find a local independent agent in our network in your area today to assess your snowmobile liability coverage needs and compare rates and options.
Your agent can provide quotes for you to compare from several different insurance companies so you can make an informed choice on the coverage that suits you best.